What if there is NO tomorrow: Think about it....Do you really wanna go there?

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Dedication: because you gave me the idea!! :P thanks!

Okay, people say all the time, "Live your life, tomorrow may never come!' Or different ways of saying that. But think about it! Tomrrow will always end up being today. So if tomorrow never comes then you die today, but yesterday you could have said tomorrow won't ever be completed. It is so CONFUSING!!! I don't get it!! Tomorrow will always end up today...... and what about your "afterlife body?" What will it think about that phrase? You never know. But i find this concept confusing. and as i reread this peice, im realizing it doesnt make much sence... well at least to me it doesnt..... UGGGGGG if you know how to explain this to me, please do! I feel so out of the loop.... :/


Soo, that is my thought on that phrase....i think it kinda contridicts itself at some point in our minds and the UNIVERSE!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2011 ⏰

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