Frosty the Snowman: What About His Freaking Hat!!??

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  • Dedicated to Jimi

Dedication: Jimi is one of my friends, and he brought this topic up. so yeah.... then i decided to put it into words! Thanks jimi!

Okay, so we all know the song "Frosty the Snowman." But here is what i don't get, why is the song about the snowman! I mean his hat is what made him come to life. Yeah, yeah i know the talking, moving, dancing sow man is fascinating, but the hat did that to him!! The hat needs its own recognition! The song, in my opinion, should be about Frosty's hat. And if you want, the writer could duel task and write the song about both! I just think Frosty's hat is unappreciated.

Here help me out here:

"Lets go Frosty the Snowman's hat lets go!!"

Say it with me!

Or don't, that's fine too. Anyways, that is my opinion on Frosty the Snowman. I feel sorry for the hat! I mean, think about it! That hat must be AWESOME!! It brought an inanimate object to life! That is worth a pat on the back.....Or hat..... or...i don't actually know. But still, i LOVE that hat! It is the coolest hat EVER!!

So yeah, that what i think. Any questions, comments? I will answer and by the way, post your ideas! I wanna tell you what is in MY MIND.

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