Chapter 5~Not The Best Morning

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Hey guys I wasn't able to update on Sunday or Monday cause my laptop was broken my baby brother spilled juice all over it and my poor laptop had to pay the price. v_v But My aunt is a genius with this stuff and she fixed it! YAY! Anyway here is the chapter you have all been waiting for! Enjoy! ^.^

Louis's POV

The first thing I heard when I woke up was screaming.

Thar was yelling at Audrey and let me tell you it wasn't pretty. Me and the lads had stayed downstairs watching movies, until we all feel asleep. Last night Audrey snuck out and had a little too much to drink. She made so much noise that it woke me, Liam and Haz up, not to mention her brother Thar. Now as I looked around I could tell the boys were very uncomfortable. The yelling was coming just outside the living room hall, where the dining room was. We could hear everything Thar and Audrey were saying.

''I am sick of this Audrey!'' Thar yelled, ''do you have any idea what kind of consequences your actions have! What happens if you were followed like last time Audrey! Not only that, I clearly remember grounding you! For once in your life, can't you just do as I say!'' Thar asked screaming loudly. Audrey laughed. ''I'm sorry Thar that I like having fun with my friends. I'm sorry that I like drinking and dancing and partying till however long I want. Sorry that I don't give a flying fuck if the media or the press or whatever it is you wanna call it finds me at a party doing whatever the hell I want!'' Audrey sarcastically yelled back at her brother. We could practically hear Thar's deep growl.

''GODDAMMIT AUDREY! Don't you remember the last time you were caught on the news!'' There was a loud slam and glass breaking. ''SO WHAT THAR! LIKE I GIVE A RAT'S ASS ABOUT WHAT THEY PUT!'' Audrey's screamed. I looked over at the boys and you could clearly see that they were uncomfortable. Zayn was constantly looking at the floor or at his watch and Niall was eating a bag of ships from who knows where. Liam and Harry looked like they wanted to get as far away they could from this house.

Thar and Audrey continued to fight until 2:00 pm. They had been fighting for four hours straight. Now it was silent in the house. For lunch Thar and Audrey didn't even look at each other. The tension was suffocating. Thar smiled at us, but it looked forced while Audrey didn't even say a word. Audrey was still in her pj's. Which was just white short shorts with the word ''Pink'' on the back in black, and a tight black spaghetti strap shirt that reached up to her belly. I was also surprised to see that Audrey had gotten a belly button piercing.

An hour after the unsettling lunch. Audrey, me and the boys sat around the living room watching t.v. Jenna and Lena had finally come downstairs half an hour later. They were also in their pj's, which also included them being half nude. All Lena wore was a white t-shirt that reached to her thighs and underwear. While Jenna wore an open small rode showing of her underwear and small shirt that only covered her breast. Lena went straight to Thar flirting with him constantly. Yet Thar paid no attention. Jenna constantly kept looking at Harry, and even Harry looked at her when he thought no one was looking.

While the whole time I was looking at Audrey. I just couldn't help but look at how much she's changed. I took every each of her. From her hair to face. To her still cute little button nose and her soft looking luscious lips. Then my eyes slowly made their way to her body. I looked at her soft tan skin, and how her breast strained against her tight black shirt. The way her short rid up as she sat and was now showing the bottom of her ass. I looked at her legs as they rested against the armchair. Soon i started to wonder how it would feel to have both her legs around me. How would it feel like to have her lips against me. I imagined me and her lip locked in a tight embrace. Hearing her small gasps as my lips reached the soft spot on her neck. The way she would moan my name and-.


Back up.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. Holy shit Louis, this is Audrey your thinking about. The little girl you used to babysit, not only that but Thar's little sister. I took a deep breath, as slowly the thoughts started to leave my head.

An hour later, Thar walked into the living dressed in a suit and a suitcase was in his hand. ''There's been an unfortunate accident at one of the companies and I must attend to it. So I will be America for the next couple of days, weeks even.'' Thar announced I saw Lena frown at this news and cross her arms. She clearly did not look happy. ''I will be leaving tonight.'' He continued. ''Helen has a list of rules I have left for you guys...'' even though he said it to everyone, he looked at Audrey especially.

All she did was give her brother was a raised eyebrow, and a small tsk. There was a moment of silence when Thar finally said his goodbye, and was out the door in a flash. Audrey got up and left the living room. Moments later there was a distant door slamming. Jenna and Lena looked at each other, and quickly got up without a word and went upstairs to follow Audrey. Me and the lads looked at each other.

Oh Boy.


And there's the chapter you all have been waiting for! Sorry it's not much and since I didn't update on Sunday or Monday like I promised here's a sneak peak of the next chapter. ^.~ Warning: May include sexual content.

Hands caressed me everywhere. As if he was trying to mesmerize every part of my body with just his touched. His lips kissed every inch of my neck and chin, leaving wet kisses here and there. Somehow his lips reach my sensitive spot and started sucking on it, biting it occasionally. I half gasped, half moaned. Feeling myself getting tighter and wetter. His hands were at my breasts, squeezing them threw my thin spagetti strap shirt. I arched my back as sensations coursed threw my veins. Shivers ran up and down my spine as one of his hands went down my belly to caresses my hip.

''Audrey'' He said softly his hot breath tickling me. He slowly went down and kissed the area between my breasts. He bit my nipple threw my shirt.''Ahh!'' I moaned, I could feel his smile as he went lower to where my belly button lay. Suddenly he stuck his tongue out and played with my navel. His tongue went around and around occasionally playing with my belly ring. Between the swirling of his tongue and the small togs he did with my belly button ring. I thrashed around, helplessly succumbing to his seduction. I could feel myself getting tighter.

''Please'' I begged breathlessly. He chuckled slightly. ''You like that Audrey?'' He asked huskily, his voice laced with lust. All I could do was whimper as he made his way to up to my lips. Our lips were now a few inches away from each other. I licked mines slowly, as I went to meet his eyes. Light pools of blue looked stright at me as I looked up at his face completely. Louis. The face I was looking at, the person that was making me feel so good that I could have died happily was .....Louis. I couldnt even breath as he smirked.

''Surprised?'' he asked and then his lips crashed into mine.

''Ahhh!!'' I woke up with a start. I was sweating from head to toe. I looked around to see myself in my room. My Heart was pounding a million miles away. It was like I had ran a marathon. I stared blankly at nothing. My thoughts seeming to think about nothing, except the dream I just had.

Did I just...... Have a sex dream about my babysitter Louis Tomlinson?

And there you have it. Hoped you like and are anticipating the next chapter. But I would like at least ten or more votes on this. Comment if you love it or not!!

And again Im still looking for someone who would like to do a trailer about Remember me Louis Tomlinson. So if any of you want to do it, let me know. ^.^

Bye My Fruities and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter and are anticipating for the next one !! ^.~


-Ashley ^.^

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