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Picture of Rosie over there-------------------------->

Kyles P.O.V

YES!! I just scored a touchdown!!!!! Was all I was thinking and then all of the sudden Brianna leaped on me and kissed me.

“WHAT THE HELL!!” I yelled in her face

“What? Is something wrong?” she said with a smirk on her face.

“Yea you just fucking kissed me!!” I was still yelling at her

“Oops my bad” She said in a bitchy tone and ‘model’ walked away. You know when the girls jet out their hip.

The first thing that went through my mind after that was, where’s  Kaylie? I couldn’t find her in the bleachers and I figured she had seen that bitch kiss me. She probably purposely tried to get lost in the crowd. So then I started to look for Rosie’s cherry red hair but I couldn’t find her either. I went searching for Lucas knowing that he probably knew were Rosie was.

“Hey man have you seen Rosie or Kaylie” I asked with a hopeful face

“Nah man, the last time I saw them was in the bleachers.” He looked at me with a sorrowful look. I could tell he knew what happened after all he is my beta and my best friend. “And I have no idea how you are going to explain to Kaylie about that bitch.”

“I know dude the only thing I can think of doing is going to go talk to her right now but I don’t know where she went. This the second time Brianna did that but last she was just over the top flirting.” As I said that I was still looking in the crowd do anything to find Kaylie even trying to catch her scent but I couldn’t there was just too many people for my sensitive nose to handle. The only way I could find her is if I went full wolf to make my senses stronger but I was surrounded by humans, so I obviously couldn’t do that either.

Finally I felt a tug on my arm. I practically got whiplash at how fast I spun my head around, but I only saw Lucas. “C’mon man lets go to the showers and then maybe later you would be able to find her.”

I sighed and walked to the showers. When I was done I grabbed my bag of gear and went to my car. I got in and just sighed for a moment hesitating to start the car. I finally did and heard the sound of the beautiful engine. I went straight to the pack house and saw a note on my pillow on my bed. It had her scent on it so I already knew who it was from. It read…

Dear Kyle,

I know that we are mates and I know you know that too. It was really nice to go to one of you games I had fun staring at nothing I knew about and I mean that. But when Brianna kissed you or you kissed Brianna either one, a trigger went off in my head. As much as I want for us to be mates and all I don’t think I can be yours. You are a jock and the alpha of our pack and I am just a dorky geek who is barely with her pack. What I am basically saying is that I don’t think we should date or become mates or anything. I am not necessarily rejecting you as a mate just I don’t think it will work. It has been nice to hang out the way we used to but I just am not able to handle all the mind games I might get. I hope you understand, but I don’t think we should talk to each other or anything like that at school. It will just make our wolves inside of us go crazy if we still hung out. In order to make it a little easier on us I am going to see if I can join my friends pack I am not sure if Rosie is going to join me or not but no matter what we will still be going to the same school. I am really really really sorry. I truly am.

With as much love as you can imagine,


My heart was sunken all the way down to my stomach. I couldn’t believe it. I read over the note many times making sure I was reading it correctly. I showed it to Lucas and he was shocked too. We both didn’t know that Kaylie, out of all people, would do such a thing. My heart was broken and I couldn’t believe she was leaving me.

Kaylie’s P.O.V

I am heartbroken and I know Kyle probably is too. It is just that I had to write him that letter. I feel awful but I needed to do it.

I am hoping to be able to join my friend Damien’s pack. He is the alpha of it and I have been emailing him for years, I guess you can say as a pen pal and he said if I ever needed anything I could join his pack. He told me about his pack. It was a really small pack and mostly filled with guys, wait all guys. It didn’t bother me the fact it was all guys because I usually get treated like I’m a guy so it didn’t ever affect me.

I was always able to tell everything to Damien. Through almost all of high school I’ve been emailing him. He really helped me a lot especially when my own best friends didn’t want to hang out with me. Even though I never met him I knew he would be there for me. I sent him an email later when I got home.

Hey I need to take you up on your offer. Something came up and I felt like I needed to leave my old pack. I was hoping I was able to join your pack please email me soon I know your about to check your email soon so please reply so I know if I should start packing.

Love Kaylie

It didn’t take long for him to respond back.

Hey Kaylie, Of course you can come join our pack since it’s the weekend I am assuming you will be over around tomorrow. I am going to go ahead and let the boys know I am sure they will be thrilled to finally have a baby sister in their pack.

Love Damien

I was the youngest out of mostly all of them they were all my age but I was like 2-5 months younger than them, depending on who it was. Damien and I were 3 months apart.

I hurried up and packed up all my things I didn’t have that much stuff anyway. I asked Rosie if she wanted to come with me and she said no. I knew why, she wasn’t able to leave Lucas. She understood why I was leaving and she didn’t blame me on leaving and I didn’t blame her for not coming with me.

I woke up really early in the morning and to my surprise I saw Rosie up and with coffee in her hands.

“I’m leaving” I said with a sad expression as I put my bags down for a second.

She ran up and hugged me “thank you” she whispered in my ear. I returned the hug. I knew why she was thanking me. I was the first one to become her friend and because I got her into the Ryder pack so now she would be able to live happily with Lucas. To be honest I was sad to be leaving her, she became a really close friend to me and we were practically sisters by now. Thinking about leaving her made my stomach turn, I was moving almost two hours away.

“Do me one favor.” I said to her looking in to her eyes.

“Anything” she said with tears starting to well up in her eyes and it was happening in mine too.

“When you go to school….tell Kyle goodbye and I won’t be attending the school anymore…. The new pack was further than I thought when I wrote the letter and…. that I am sorry…. again.” Tears were starting to come down my eyes when I was saying all of that.

“Of course I will and by the way that was more than one.” We giggled and I hugged her tightly one more time and then waved good bye with my stuff in my hands. She was going to stay in my apartment for me. I knew I could trust it with her and she needed it more than me. And just in case I did come back was the main reason she got it cause she was determined that I was going to come back. But I wasn’t so sure.


sorry about the late upload but i have been out of wifi and i am at a friends house so i could upload one of my chapters but i am going to be leaving soon so i wont be able to upload anymore but be patient please!! and comment and vote!!

<3 pinkzebrachic

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