OK. I know I said daily chapters, but the inspiration bus just passed me, so now i have to wait a couple hours for the next one. i know, bad metaphor. i meant to do this earlier, but ive been busy. i know. well i have been tagged, so lets get on to that. btw, i have no friends, so i never tag anyone...
1. Who was the first person you obsessed over?
Ummm...either Kiingtong, Aphmau, Heyimbee, YourPalRoss, or Sky Does Minecraft. (dont judge me...xD)
2. Who/What is your current obsession?
Either, the Cube, or Rayne, cuz Rayne is the bae.
3. Who is you favorite band?
Ummm...I honestly dont have one.
4. Who is your favorite singer?
Lily Rose. (Her cover of Photograph is above. pls watch! its amazing!! i put her cover of Stitches in one of my chapters already too.)
5. Who is your favorite Youtuber?
6. Who was your first concert?
I've never been to a concert. :(
7. What is your favorite movie?
Umm...I don't have one. (btw i dont usually watch movies, so im not answering movie questions)
8. Who is your favorite actor/actress?
Still don't have one.
9. Who was your first celebrity crush?
Never thought I was good enough for any celebrity, so none.
10. Have you ever gotten made fun of for what you like?
Yes, that's why I'm having trouble with this tag, because it reveals a lot of information that I usually don't reveal.
11. What is your favorite book?
Can I choose one of Rayne's fanfics? If so, Broken. If not, then idk, i read wayyy too many books.
12. What's your fav tv show?
I don't watch tv, I watch Youtube too much.
13. Who is your favorite fictional character?
14. What is something about the fandom youre in that you love?
I'm in a fandom?
15. What's something you hate about the fandom youre in?
Again, Im in a fandom?
16. Would I ever take a bullet for the people I fangirl over?
Yes, because theyre the reason im able to keep a smile on my face, and refrain from turning into a yandere.
17. Do you ever hide the fact that you like someone just because of fear of being teased?
Yes, again, its hard for me to reveal these things i love to you guys. even though youre on the list of things i love.
18. Have you ever met one of your idols?
No. :(
19. Do you have any merch from the people you fangirl over?
No. :(
20. What is your favorite fangirl moment?
Well, I guess when Will switched to North. I was screaming and running around. It was great. I mean like, I'm not against people who like South, but I'm on Team North.
I know, i couldnt answer all the questions. im an awful fangirl. you can hate me. and ive been thinking, should i reveal my twitter? hmmmmm. nah, instead, ill make a new twitter account just to talk to you guys! :D anyone else excited? no? ok... :( bai my starrrs!