Chapter 4, Hidden poorly

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I shoved the reed box over to the wall with a grunt. The neck strap had been lifted so that it made a spot that I could hide under and I brushed the velvet so it was going the same direction to make a comfy spot to lie down.

I proceeded to lay down and groaned in relief. The bell rang loudly, I groaned in annoyance. The bell sent out an ear-splitting sound that sounded like it was demonic in origin. Lucky for me, there wasn't a bell in this room so it was muted a bit. I still covered my ears with my hands and squeezed my eyes shut, for probably longer than I needed to, while I waited for the ear splitting screech to quit.

I heard the distant pounding of students as they hurried to the exit doors, and even a few who came towards the band room to gather their stuff. I gasped and covered my mouth as I hid under the neck strap, praying that no one would see me.

Not many people actually came to get their stuff on a Thursday, seeing that they would have to bring it back the next day, but there were a couple of highly dedicated people people who always did even if they just played for a couple minuets at home.

I waited until there was no sound, and peeked out from my hiding spot. The coast was clear and I carefully started to rise from my spot and inch out to get a better look, then a boy ran around the corner. I dropped flat and crawled back.

He was heading straight for me and stopped so close to me that I could hear his breath.

I was suddenly jolted like an earthquake had happened and heard a large "thwack", the top of the case shut above me with a "Boom", plunging me into darkness.

However, that wasn't the worst part. The metal part of the neck strap, the part that connects it to the instrument, fell down and hit me square in the back. I cried out in pain not even caring to muffle my voice because of the pain. Yep, that was going to leave a bruise. It felt like that time when my saxophone case fell on me.....oh, ..... you don't know how that feels?... oh. Then I guess it would be like the weight of laying under a mattress, except all in one area, and except it falling on top of you from a few feet. (Not suggested to try)

Light flooded back into the case casting out all the shadows, leaving me partially exposed and unable to do much about it .

A shadow loomed over me returning the space around me to a twilight, but I was too winded, bruised, and unable to lift the metal off of me to turn around and see the face of my doom.

Suddenly, the pressure on my back was lifted and in a panic pulled up my sore, aching, self up. I turned over.

A face appeared in the shadow and It was a boy. He seemed vaguely familiar, but no wonder, he obviously was in my band if he was in here. He jumped back a little when he saw the unusual, unnatural, pathetic creature I was.

"WHAT THE-" he started to say, but he was cut off by some other guy waiting for him in the hall.

"MAX. HURRY UP!" I stared at this alleged Max with fear written across my features. He stared at me. His eyes were open wide. Dull-green. Amazed.

Before I registered what was happening, my arms were pinned against my side, I was scooped up, and my legs were dangling over 50 feet of empty space. My breath was squeezed out of me because of a little too much pressure holding me captive. My recently bruised back being treated this way shot pain into my body.

"What's taking so long?" Asked his friend walking towards Max. "We're gonna be late."

The boy holding me suddenly wasn't holding me; I was shoved and tumbled into his filthy jacket pocket. He kept his hand over the entrance, probably to keep me from falling out and/or escaping.
"I just bumped a case." My captor explained.

"Ok, well, let's go then." 'Friend' said impatiently.

Hope you enjoyed.

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