Chapter 15, I Wanted the Whole Cookie

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I saw his expression melt.

"You are clearly hurt and all you can worry or think about is how your family is doing?!" Max exclaimed. I attempted to stand while wincing at the volume of his voice. Vertigo and fuzziness clouded my head as it moved up causing me to tilt a little from my movements.

The only weak response I could muster was, "What?" Max heaved a sigh and a hand encroached into my hazy vision. It was circling around me and gave me support as I had to lean against the hand. It was a warm and oddly comforting gesture. Wow, I thought to myself, I must have looked really pathetic if his attitude shifted from demanding to comforting this quickly. Despite having a stabilizer, I gave in to gravity and slid further down the hand onto my side.

"Amelia?" I heard the question in the air above me.

"I'm hungry," I stated deliriously serious, barely able to keep my head up. The hand I was leaning on slowly slid me completely onto the soft blanket cloth. I watched as the giant moved away and left the room, leaving me alone.

Shivering at the sudden emptiness in the towering space, I reached over and pulled some of the bundled blanket over some of me in an attempt to hide. As I listened to the resonating sounds of the house, my eyes slid closed. The temptation of a soft hidden rest overcame me, even as my vulnerability loomed over my spot. My eyes shoot open to a thud. Thud thud. THUD.

I could hear distant voices of giants speaking, rather whiny. "Why do you have food? Mom told you not to keep food in your room. What are you doing!?"

The other giant voice cuts off the questions with, "Nothing, go to your own room and you can have this." A pause of silence followed by a' hmm!' of triumph and then I heard excited footsteps getting softer. I open my eyes a tiny bit, lift up part of the blanket, and watch as the ginormous figure comes in with arms full of a soda, sandwich, Twinkie, and cookies. This guy has got a sweet tooth. Not that I can say anything better about myself.. heh.

"What do you want?" He asks me, a smile bleeding into his voice. I can tell that he is holding in a laugh, most likely for me hiding in the cloth like a kid hiding from monsters under their bed. I push away the blue material as he sets the food down, and lug myself to and upright position.

"How about that cookie?" I reply. He looked at me briefly in alarm, like I was going to steal it from him.

"I was going to eat that."

"But you just offered it to me."

"So, I didn't expect you would want the whole cookie." He said with mock upsetness. I huff at the giant's antics.

"Finnnee. We can split it." I said benevolently. He smiles happily. I shake my head.

"Here." He dropped a small chunk of cookie about the size of my fist a little away from me and quickly shoved the rest of the cookie in his mouth, which was horrifying if not unfair.

"Hey. That was not an even split." I complained sarcastically, with a bit of sadness. I kinda did want a really big cookie.

"It was plenty even. I got some and you got some." He said with an innocent expression. I glared at him and reached over to grab my piece, making a note of this betrayal. He will be paying for that sooner or later. Probably later. But he will pay. In the meantime, I wondered if there was water in that sugary pile of goodies.

"Did you grab any water or is it only soda?" I asked, consuming a mouthful of cookie. It was so good! Surprisingly thick, but once I started eating, my hunger gnawed at me, demanding more.

Max pulled out a water bottle, smirking at my joke, and managed not to spill it when pouring some water into the cap. He carefully handed it to me using his pointer finger and thumb and I received it in two hands like a large bowl. Happily, I drank.

"Dinner! Come get it!" I hear the muffled yell of Max's mom call from down stairs.

"On my way!" Max yelled back as if on reflex. I flinched to cover my ears but just spilled some of the remaining water on my leg, making a nice wet spot as the fabric soaked it up.

"Man, can you be any louder?" I asked sarcastically, annoyed at both the pain and moisture.

"Yeah, you want to see?" He asked. I shook my head and he laughed a little. He took the cap carefully back and screwed the bottle closed, then got up and went over pulling his sock drawer open.
I immediately was suspicious and on guard, jumping both to my feet and to conclusions. No way was I reliving that nightmare. I just looked at Max then the drawer, then back again with a stubborn look.

"Nope," I said aloud. "I am not doing that again." The giant raised his eyebrow.

"You do know I could just force you to right?" He mimicked poking me.

"Not voluntarily," I replied. He sighed. "Just let me stay here. I promise I'll stay out of sight. I'll be fine, I'm not a child." I said begrudgingly.

He looked about to just force me to go anyways but then seemed to come to a different decision.

"Just try not to kill yourself while I'm gone. Ima go eat." With that, he turned and left with his giant steps. Welp. That was slightly unexpected. What should I do now?


Mom made spaghetti tonight. Tommy decided the red sauce looked like blood and decided the meatballs were perfect play war ammunition, causing a spaghetti battlefield to be left over after dinner. Tommy is my little 'bother', by the way. At least I call him that when he gets under my skin, and that's almost always. So after I finished eating Mom asked, it was more demanded really, me to help him clean up while she did the laundry. I scrubbed the table and everywhere else the war had reached, then I turned on the shower. I swung into my bother's room telling him to hurry up and get in the shower, making sure to grab some clothes from Tommy's room while he was headed to the bathroom.

After I closed the bathroom door, I went to my room. I looked over to where I was expecting the tiny Amelia to be, but she was gone...


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