Chapter 13, Nice kitty

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I walked over to the looming arena-sized bed.

Navigating around a mountainous coat that was at least triple my height, I springily walked on the carpet which was still like walking on layers of leaves, solid but kind of spongy.

I decided to look under the bed because, where else was the easiest place to find random small objects that no one noticed disappeared? Besides in couch cushions obviously.

As the bed loomed over me I spotted a shiny coin in the darkness and jogged over to it. I picked it up. It was a penny and much heavier than I expected. I couldn't think of a use for it other than a large plate maybe, or a metal frisbee. I tossed it back down with a clunk and went further under the bed.

I passed by a pink and green candy wrapper. I am not touching that thing. Yuck. I could smell the dust under here and I could see puffs of the stuff with every step I took, how long has it been since Max cleaned under his bed? I pulled my shirt over my mouth and nose and continued to the corner of the room where blankets hung over and touched the ground.

In the darkness, I nearly tripped over a shoelace. A shoelace, of all things? It wasn't even attached to a shoe, but I shrugged since it was a prime object for the taking- I mean borrowing. I picked up the rope, which was as thick as my wrist, and looped it around my waist twice like a belt. The extra cord slung over my shoulder diagonally and I twisted the end into my belt. There, now I even looked the part.

I froze. Slowly, turning around, I scanned the room. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. I could have sworn that I heard something.

I shrugged off my suspicions and kept walking. A few paces later I came across more bits of trash and a skittle lying on the floor. I might have been hungry, but not that hungry, yet. Just thinking about being hungry enough to resort to eating that hard old skittle made me grimace.

My head snapped over my shoulder, there it was again. A pat Pat, skitter noise from behind me. Along with a heavy feeling of being watched.

I scanned around me once more and inhaled sharply at the bone-chilling sight. Shiny green-blue eyes took me in like I was its next prey. It was a huge gray furry beast, sized like a monster truck. The cat's ears were straight up and tilted toward me. Oh, the horror, no! I started walking slowly backward to the corner where I could hopefully climb up the blankets and escape. The eyes watched me with a sickening interest in my steady retreat. I watched as the cat lowered its head to the ground and I glanced behind me to see how far I was from escape. It was perhaps 20 seconds running or a minute at this current speed to reach the blankets. I look back at the cat, still painstakingly moving backward cautiously.

The irony of this is that I like cats. I have a cat at my house and she would always curl up on my bed and then slowly stretch out taking up a large portion of the bed for a cat. We called her princess because she would always act like one, and then again so do most cats.

However, this giant cat here was unknown to me. Even if I had pretty good animal skills, I wasn't going to risk my life trying to tame this beastly thing.

I saw its eyes blink and decided to run for the hanging blankets. I turned and booked it, while behind me, I could tell the cat perked up with doubled interest. I looked up in dread as I realized I didn't count the climb up to the bed in my haste. The cat bounded behind me as I launched myself onto the blanket, frantically grabbing handfuls of cloth.

Feeling the cat scarily close behind me, I scrambled up as fast as humanly possible, beating any record I had previously held at climbing, and was near the top of the bed when a strong force caught on my pant leg. The cat barely missed skewering my calf and was trying to pull me down to the floor where it could properly tear out my neck.

In a desperate attempt to live, I cried out the famous "NICE KITTY! FRIENDLY, GIANT, VICIOUS KITTY!  STAY!" My voice cracked at the last word.

To my surprise, the cat paused for a moment. Apparently, it had never had its mice speak to it like the humans that took care of it.

I pulled with all my might and the tear-ific sound of jean tearing on claw brought me crashing forward with momentum onto the bed. I rolled myself over and watched a huge furry paw try to grab anything near the edge of the bed as I caught my breath.

Suddenly, the paw disappeared and I nearly swore. I realized that I had only moments before the cat appeared from the other side of the bed. Muscles aching, I sprinted the distance to the pillow and crawled under it. The pillow did have some weight, like being deep in those giant foam pits, but I could push it up easily enough. I was more worried about not being able to breathe through the dense fabric.

I raised the pillow enough to see light and revive the air I was breathing, but the pillow was smacked down by a heavy object. Slightly confused, I lifted the cloth again only to be pushed down, again. I should have guessed that the beast would follow me, and doing this was only adding to its curiosity.

I army crawled away from the cat trying to once again outmaneuver it. My breath was pushed from me as pressure stopped me from progressing any farther.

My last thought was one of a fluffy cat curling up on a pillow.

Hi. It has been way too long since my last update. So I thought a cliffhanger would be a great way to show my apologies.

your tired octopus,


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