Chapter 18, Face It

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I awoke somewhere I knew I didn't go to sleep.

When I sat up rubbing the sleep from my eyes, stretching from the semi-comfortable sleep I had, and blearily looking at my surroundings, the first thing I noticed was the slumbering giant not 10 feet away from me. His curly ginger hair swept towards the pillow in looping strings. His closed eyes sported long lashes like blades of grass and his giant nose was tilted down, gently moving with each peaceful breath. His lips closed in a serene line, the size of an arm.

It's a beautiful way to wake up, surely. Staring at the face of a giant, feeling an alive and warm breath ruffle my hair and clothes, and having a miniature heart attack.

I backpedaled quickly from my resting place, feeling alarmed at the nearness of the being. Stopping quickly again, I went back towards the face since the direction of my escape went directly to a cliff marking the edge of the bed. Taking a moment to calm my mind I took stock of myself. My 2, (or was it 3?), day-old clothes felt unclean and I had a nasty ache in my neck and ribs, and the rope that I was still wearing left an imprint on my skin. I was on a bed, a giant bed. Surprisingly not a jar. I puzzled over the dissident memories and was weirded out since I had no recollection of being moved. I focused back on the giant. I wasn't a huge fan of him right now, not that I ever was a fan, but his actions were more and more confusing with every interaction. However, there was something oddly entrancing about the sleeping giant before me. He looked so peaceful. I couldn't help walking closer to his face and had an intrusive thought tempting me to find a marker so I could write 'LOOSER' on his big forehead. I smiled at the thought of how funny that would be and how sweet a little revenge might be, but I tampted down the unreasonable urge.

I was in awe. I could see every detailed dot, every crease of skin, every strand of eyebrow hair. I reached out, as if in a trance, and placed my hand on his face. Immediately, large startled eyes opened and blinked, scaring me half out of my mind. The giant Max pulled backwards in surprise and my surprise sent me flying back as well.

"What the heck?!" Max exclaimed.

"Fllhubb blubb bublb!" I exclaimed back, half of my face being pressed into covers. I got back up and stretched. Max rubbed his face trying to wake up. One of his hands started to reach for me and I retreated backward in surprise and fear, forgetting about the previously mentioned edge of bed where my foot slipped and I was tumbling backward into empty space. The hand shot forward faster and caught me just below the edge of the bed.

"Uh, thanks." I said. I propped myself up as he lifted me up.

"Mmhm." He replied nonchalantly and deposited me on his desk next to his computer. I sat there with claiming breaths, trying to run my hands through my tangled hair while he got ready and dressed for the day. Giving up on my hair, I turned to the massive keyboard and screen.

Upon further inspection, the computer was unlocked. I was bored and technology-starved, and two plus two equals gaming! So I was going to see how far I could get towards playing video games!

What games would you guys want to play? ~Ema

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