Chapter 7, Give me a break OK

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There I was. All three and a half inches of me. Sitting in a jar

That boy had taken a pencil, poked a few holes in a piece of paper, and set it on top of my prison. Then walked off like I was not the strangest thing he had ever seen!

He must have had something really important to do since he just left me here. My left arm hurt from where I landed and I winced as I attempted to rub the soreness out. It was a mason jar. I believe that is what the partly translucent label said, I am not sure though, as it's kind of hard to read backward.

My view of his room was much improved from on top of the desk. Even if the glass I was looking through was a little bit blurred with sized-up fingerprints making ridged smudges. From my vantage, I could see the tan carpet covering the floor, my giant captor playing video games or texting on his phone, the closet that was full of this guy's clothing thankfully not all blindingly orange, and the unorganized clutter on his desk. The cursed orange jacket lay on the bed, mocking me. It seems like a lot of inanimate objects like to mock me.

Sighing, I turned my attention back to the room at large, focusing on the white wall across the canyon. The criss-cross position I was sitting in was starting to numb my legs, so I straightened my legs and fell back into a lying position. The top of the jar wasn't actually sealed, thank goodness. The three holes in the ceiling looked big enough for me to put at least two fingers through each.

You might be wondering why I'm not going crazy trying to get out of this jar. It was supposed to be because a plan was forming in my smart logical brain. I was going to wait until he got out of view before attempting an escape because it wouldn't be smart for him to catch me right after I escaped and then do something horrible as a sick punishment. I shivered. You never know what lunatic you're dealing with until it's too late. But the real reason was that I was kind of tired and the glass was something that gave me solid ground and a little bit of security that I had been lacking since being held and stuffed in pockets. In other words, it didn't have the enclosure and forceful physical contact that a horrid giant hand had, if that clarifies anything.

I laid there for a minute or two thinking about my mom and dad, my soon-to-be-late homework, and why I felt like such a loner.

After a few minutes of complete silence, and depressing reflection, I sat up turning to look at my captor. He was no longer tapping on his phone, he had got out paper and was scribbling away. Wait, was he doing his homework? Honestly! I thought that he didn't seem like the type of person that cared about homework, or waited until the last moment to get doing it if it was getting done at all. Definitely, it did not make sense to see him doing it first thing after getting home, and especially not after a life-altering event like finding a tiny person. I was a life-altering event, wasn't I?

He suddenly closed his binder and flopped onto his bed with a sigh. I blinked, marveling at how something so big was moving that fast.
His gaze turned toward me and we had a miniature staring contest.

His kiwi green eyes were inescapable saucers of curiosity. Mine, I'm sure, had part fear, part amazement, part horrid fascination. But I had the advantage of being quite small and I didn't think that extra dose of fear could be read through them. Though, I wouldn't have bet on the rest of my body language.

I blinked, breaking the connection and laying back down again with a shudder. I was bored and still chilly and unnerved. I could tell that the giant continued to study me until a voice broke the silence.

"Max! Could you please come down here!" A feminine voice shouted from somewhere far beyond the door.

"Just a sec." 'Max' yelled back at her. That name registered a faint familiarity in the back of my mind, but it disappeared just as quickly. Again, the benefits from the thick glass made itself seen as the loudness was dampened. I watched as he lumbered away down to the voice I assumed was his mother. He gave one last curious glance back at me as if making sure I was real then almost completely closed the door behind him.

'This is my chance!' The voice of un-tiredness and logic shouted to me. 

This is when I had to escape.


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