Chapter 6, Not a fairy

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The room was huge.

I shrank away as I could from the overwhelmingness of the open space that could swallow skyscrapers. I gapped like a fish out of water at the pure enormity of it all. If I thought the instrument locker room was big, this was twice or three times that.

For what was a relatively simple bedroom setup, it was all still imposing at this size. His bed was what he was sitting on which was on one side of his room, giving space for a dresser next to the bed, next to that a desk with a computer, and opposite the desk, a closet with a door on it. Other than a few random desk items and clothes crumpled up in a pile in one corner of the room, it was decently clean.

However, my true view of the room was limited because of the hand that was holding me and the fact that I was holding on for dear life. I even reached my arms around his thumb, which was super embarrassing, but the scramble not to fall was real. He held me out around a foot away from his face and way way way too far away from the ground.

His huge green eyes studied me like I was some difficult piece of music he was just handed, and luckily, or maybe unluckily, I wasn't one you could immediately stuff back in your folder knowing that no practice was needed. It made me feel terrifyingly small.

"What the heck are you?" The deep voice asked in a soft tone. I just stared at him because his face took up nearly my whole view. "How are you that small?" He continued to ask. I started to quiver. "Are you some sort of fairy?" He asked starting to get frustrated.

At that question, I snapped. "No! I am not a fairy, I'm a person." I said like it was the stupidest question anyone could ask. I removed my arms removed from the thumb as I fully sat up and clenched my hands into fists as his face turned from amazement to surprised confusion.

"So you can talk."

I shrugged, shrinking back into his hand, returning to my muted and slightly cowed state.

"And you can understand me?!" He said in an 'I can't believe this' tone.

I stared at him with wide eyes, a blank expression, and tried not to look down at the drop just over his hand. He stared back, not sure what to think. A joke in the back of my brain was tickled at my situation and I almost burst out laughing in this giant face of danger. His mesmerizing green irises flickered off me and onto something behind me.

Movement caught me by surprise, knocking the breath out of me as our resident giant decided he needed to put me somewhere else. The hand being used as a platform was turned into a grasping rollercoaster chair and straps. My surroundings were blurred until the roller coaster hand came to an abrupt stop and I tried to regain my sense of direction. I gasped as the firm hold tilted and loosened from around me. The limbs that had fallen asleep without my knowing, screamed as I plummeted down. I clawed and grabbed onto anything I could but my grip just kept slipping, unhelped by surprise and gravity. I made the short fall, tweaking my knee and bruising my elbow, onto glass.

Who even keeps glass jars around anymore? I wondered in disbelief. Like I was some sort of insect or this was some bad fantasy fairy prison, he literally put me in a jar!


Dear reader,
Thank you for all the beautiful comments and encouraging/shove-you-off-a-cliff comments. They inspired my writer's block to go away.
^-^ thanks!

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