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   There was no saving Jerome, that much was obvious.
   "Fox!" Bazz shouted over the commotion.
   "What?" Fox began, turning to look. "Oh, my heavens what happened?" she exclaimed, rushing toward them.
   " was Basher," Bazz stated, the color in his face long gone. "He cut her wing up and tried to kill her." By now Quentin was also nearby, examining Raven's wing.
   "She needs immediate attention," he said, worry evident in his expression but absent from his tone. Fox gently from Bazz's arms. Raven tried to protest but didn't have enough strength to do so.
   "Stop struggling. You're dying right now, I'm not letting you leave," Fox snapped. Fox turned toward Quentin. "Come on, Mudkip!" The two rushed down the hall and into Fox's room. Bazz and Sub raced after them. The door shut right as they got there. Bazz banged on the door but soon realized that they were probably too focused to notice. Bazz fidgeted with his ring nervously as he waited. Sub paced the floor across the hall. He pulled his blindfold off and twisted it in his hands. Bazz ran his hands through his hair.
   "I murdered someone," he muttered as the reality began to sink in.
   Cat walked into the hall soon after with Micheal behind her.
   "We found Basher up on the third floor," she said. Bazz jerked his head toward them, jumping slightly at the sudden noise. Sub stopped pacing and looked at them, more worried about Raven's well-being than the knowledge of his eye.
   "Find anything?" Bazz asked, refusing to lock eyes with anyone.
   "Just a big gash in his side, but no weapon," Micheal said. Cat leaned up against the wall.
   "So, Bash did that?" she asked, pointing to the door where Fox and Quentin were working in Raven. She was trying to play cool, but it was clear from her restless hands that she was worried as much as Bazz.
   "Yeah...yeah," Bazz stuttered.
   "Bazz, I know how much you care for Raven. No one blames you, but we need to know," Cat started.
   Bazz began to choke up. "I...I..."
   "So what if Bazz retaliated?! He was trying to save a life! What are you planning to do about it?!" Sub signed angrily. Everyone was worked up as it is, they didn't need to point fingers. A tear slipped down Bazz's cheek. Cat stood for a moment, processing what Sub had signed.
   "Translation?" Micheal, who wasn't fluent in sign, asked. Bazz wiped the tear away. At that moment, Fox stepped out of the room. Her clothes were spotted with blood along with her hands.
   "It took a lot of magic and work, but we got her fixed up, sort of," she said, winded.
   "Sort of?" Bazz exclaimed. He tried to rush into the room, but Fox grabbed his jacket, stopping him. "Let go! Me wife's in there!" he growled.
   "Bazz, calm down," Sub stated.
   "Yeah, calm down, Bazz," Cat agreed.
   "No! I can't calm down!" Bazz yelled. "Let me see her!" He struggled against Fox, trying to escape her hold. "Let go!!" he screeched, his voice echoing off of the walls.
   "She's asleep!" Fox finally yelled. Bazz stopped fighting, turning to look at Fox. She breaths deeply for a moment, catching her breath. "Quentin is still working on some minor things," Fox added. "Besides, I need to talk to you."
   "Questions?" Bazz replied.
   "Yes, questions," Fox answered. Bazz looked at the group, knowing what would come of all of this. A hand on his shoulder caught his attention. He turned around and saw Sub. He was just as pale as Bazz was, just as worried. "Okay...okay," Bazz agreed, still looking at Sub as though he was talking to him. "I'll try."
   "That's a start," Fox said. "Can you follow me to the Mess Hall?"
   "Yeah," Bazz responded. The group headed toward the Mess Hall. As they pushed open the door, an announcement sounded.
   "Ding dong! The investigation is over. Please report to the elevator at the Main Hall. The Court Hearing will begin in ten minutes, so don't be late!"
   There was a pause and the crackling of speakers could be heard. Then the announcement continued.
   "You can have five extra minutes to clean up. Everyone must come. So, that's fifteen minutes to arrive at the elevator. You better not be late with that much time!"
   The announcement ended and the group was left in silence. Bazz left the room and went to his own. Sub followed. Bazz walked in and quickly cleaned up. He pulled his axe out and left it in the bathroom. It's not like he would need it after the hearing. He and Sub then walked to the elevator in silence. When they got there, they saw Quentin was helping Raven stand. She had probably insisted on at least standing up. Bazz sighed.
   "I was too slow," he whispered numbly. "And in my moment of protection, I ended up losing the one I love anyway. This is all my fault." Sub nudged Bazz.
   "It wasn't your fault. Remember what Raven said? It's the castle that changes us, and Basher was the one that attacked," he said.
   "Yeah, but still. I became the murderer," Bazz whispered. "I became the murderer," he repeated sadly.

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