Finding Ian

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   Raven stood in a dark room. It looked like the music room she had woken up in..but something was different. Someone else was here. There was a sense of dread and fear surrounding her. Raven did a one-eighty, taking in the music room again. She noticed something shake in the corner of her vision. Raven quickly turned and saw a closet. When she was first here she had assumed it held the smaller percussion instruments. That's what it had been like at any school she had ever been to at least. Then again, this place wasn't a school. It was a prison. But that was beside the point. This cabinet was shaking. That was weird, right? Something had to be in it. Raven reached out her hand and grabbed the handle. She pulled the door open and- 
   Raven sat up on her bed.
   "That was a weird dream," she muttered. Raven got out of bed, being careful to not wake Sub, who still refused to leave her alone at night. She carefully grabbed her sword...and kicked the cabinet on accident.
   "Sh*t!" she whisper-yelled. Sub sat up immediately at the sudden noise. He turned toward Raven, clearly curious as to what was going on.
   "What are you doing?" Sub signed.
   "I had a dream," Raven muttered, realizing it was a crappy explanation. Sub gave a Raven an are-you-serious look. "Yes, I'm serious!" Raven snapped in response to his expression.
  "Let me come," Sub signed.
   "And risk getting you hurt? Yeah, no," Raven replied. Sub rolled his eyes and stood up anyways. "No changing your mind, is there?" she asked. Sub shook his head. Raven groaned. "Okay, whatever," she agreed. "Come on then," she added as she went for the door.
    Together, Raven and Sub headed down the hallway, through the main hall, up the stairs, and down the second-floor hallway to the music room. Raven flipped on the lights as the two entered the music room. Raven looked around and quickly found the closet. Sure enough, it was shaking violently. It seemed to be locked from the outside and whatever or whoever was in it really wanted to get out. Raven was surprised the closet hadn't tipped over yet. Raven held her sword at ready with one hand and extended the other. She slowly edged toward the closet. Raven grabbed the handle, looking back at Sub for support. He nodded. Raven exhaled slowly and, with a small flick of her wrist, flung the door open. The two backed up as a man tumbled out. The man wore a business suit, a pair of familiar shades, and was automatically recognized by Raven and Sub.
   "Ian?!" Raven asked in surprise while Sub stood there motionlessly. Ian looked up at the two. His eyes were filled with fear as they drifted from Raven to Sub to Raven's sword. "Oh, sorry," Raven mumbled, lowering her weapon.
   "What...what are you two doing here?" Ian asked.
  "I feel like we should be asking you that. And there are actually nine of us here. Well, nine of us are still alive," Raven said, whispering the last part.
    "That-that's what happened with me. There were sixteen of us, then we started killing each other! I hid in this closet but it locked from the outside!" Ian exclaimed.
   "Well we better tell the others you're here," Raven said.
   "Can we wait until morning?" Sub asked, yawning afterward.
   "Sure Sub," Raven said. She turned back to Ian. "There are...there are spare rooms now, so you can sleep in one of them," she said.
   "Okay...okay," Ian replied, still seeming pretty shaken from his experience.
    Yet, what no one knew was that a seed of chaos had been successfully planted. Despite everyone's hopes, another was doomed to die.

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