The Last Straw

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    Raven stared silently at the scene in front of her as tears trickled down her cheeks. "Not again," she repeats. She buried her face in her hands. Quentin placed a gentle hand on her back in an attempt to comfort her. Sky knelt to pick up the bandana on the floor. He handed it to Raven. She held it as though it was a lifeline. "Sub!" She wails into the bandana. Quentin patted her sympathetically.
    "What happened?" Cat asks, taking in the scene. Mitch stood behind her. He peeked over her shoulder to see if there was any blood.
    "Oh, Raven," he mumbles, seeing the frozen Sub. By now, Quentin had approached the motionless Sub, and Sky had taken over comforting Raven. Cat and Mitch entered the room and stared at the body.
    "He most likely died of hypothermia," Quentin finally announces. Raven looked up from the bandana, taking deep breaths to calm her breathing.
    "How do we find out who did it?" she demands quietly.
    "Where's Ryan?" Cat asks before Quentin can answer.
    "I saw him going to his room earlier," Mitch mentions.
    "But why isn't he here?" Cat continues.
    "You don't think-?" Raven begins.
    "Raven, we can't just jump to conclusions," Sky reminds her.
    "It would make sense," Cat starts.
    "How so?" Quentin inquires.
    "Well, you three were together the whole time, right?" she asks. Raven, Quentin, and Sky all nodded to confirm. "Then Mitch and I were both in our rooms. You would have heard us if we left," she continues. "The only logical candidate would be Ryan."
    "Sounds like something a murderer would say," Raven mutters.
    Cat crossed her arms, shooting Raven an are-you-serious-right-now look. "You really going to accuse me?" she questions.
    Raven heaves a sigh. "Sorry, I know better. I just...I'm just frazzled," she admits.
    "It's alright," Cat replies.
    "Cat does have a point. Ryan seems to be the only option here," Sky agrees.
    "That's because you're right," Ryan says from the doorway. All heads turned to face him as he leaned against the doorframe.
    "You!" Raven screeches. Hatred flared in her eyes as she broke toward Ryan. Her eyes glowed a dangerous white and her broken wings showed. Raven made maybe three steps before Cat grabbed her. 
    "Hold your horses, Rae!" Cat exclaims, using her own powers to restrain Raven.
    "He killed Sub!" Raven reminds everyone.
    "I know! He just admitted it, dufus!" Cat shouts back. Raven slowly stopped struggling. Cat didn't let go, just in case.
  "Ding dong! The investigation is over! Please report to the elevator in the Main Hall. the Court Hearing will take place in ten minutes, so don't be late!"
    "D@mn," Raven mutters. The group made their way down the stairs and to the elevator. Raven glared at Ryan, her eyes still glowing white. The elevator door shut and began its descent.
    "His name is Cole. He's the mastermind behind all of this. He's just a kid, but he's a genius it seems."
    "And you know this how?" Cat asks skeptically.
    "I've been snooping," Ryan admits.
    "Clearly," Mitch mumbles tiredly. He looked like he'd rather collapse onto a bed right now.
   "Or into Jerome's arms," Raven thinks bitterly.
   The elevator stopped and the doors slid open. The small group filed out and go to their podiums. Raven didn't bother to put the bandana on. She's too numb to care. The ghost of Notch appears.
    "This has gone too far, Cole!" Ryan shouts.
    "No, you've gone too far, Ryan," The Mastermind replies.
    "Whatever. Let's get this over, okay? I did it. I killed Sub by pushing him into the open freezer, by accident not that it matters. Happy?" Ryan says.
    "I am, but they aren't," Mastermind responds.
    "Yeah, I noticed," Ryan mutters as the platform lowered. Ryan stepped out and entered the arena. "So how do I die?" he asks coldly.
    "Well, you are the ultimate voice actor," Mastermind begins. "I figured all of the people you voice act can do the honors."
    Ryan's eyes widened in horror as several cloaked figures emerged from the walls. He turned, looking at Raven before they overwhelmed him. "Raven, I am sorry. Remember who he is." The figures reached Ryan and begin to pummel him. It takes a while, but Ryan finally passes.
    "Well, that's that!" Mastermind exclaims happily.
    "I know you," Raven mumbles as the thoughts clicked together.

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