Tyler Lox

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   The next few days went by and nothing happened. The third floor opened up, but that was all. That was the top floor. There was nothing left, not really.
   Raven refused to leave her room. Sub would sit outside the door. The door was barely cracked, so Raven could see Sub in the hall. It was comforting, at least a little bit, to know she wasn't alone. Despite the small comfort, Raven didn't have any energy left. Sub had told her all that happened around the castle. Sky and the others were helping Mitch recover from the loss of Jerome. He told her that the others had asked about her. He said the others wished she would come out of her room soon, but they knew she needed time. Nothing was new. Sub would bring Raven an apple or something small to eat. She couldn't hold it down and eventually stopped eating altogether. All she could think of was Bazz.
   He's gone.
   He's dead.
   Mystic doesn't have a daddy.
   I don't have my other half.
   What happens now?
   Who's next?
   Can't I just join him already?
   Cat had told Sub to take away Raven's sword. Cat probably knew that Raven would try to join Bazz herself and didn't want to lose anyone else.
   Sometimes during the day, Raven would fade into her memories. It was like she transported herself into them and relived them. The time when Bazz saved her from the prison, or when they met Cat, Fox, and Micheal, the times where King Sky protected them and anyone else that was deemed unwanted or different, when Bazz proposed, or the time travel debacle where they were separated for five years. She relived their wedding, Mystic being born, all of the happy memories.
   But then they would fade, and Raven would be jolted back to reality. She would feel the pain in her chest, her wing, and her heart. She felt emptier every time she returned. She felt trapped, caged, like a prisoner.
   "Just when me and Bazz first met and he saved me. I'm stuck in the prison...I'm just..."
   Raven looked up as the thoughts raced through her mind. "I'm stuck in the prison," she repeated. Raven stood up. She looked around the room, at the bed that suddenly felt familiar. She began to run her hand over the walls, then the door. She could feel it, it hadn't changed. It shouldn't have been possible, but Raven could never forget the despair radiating off of those prison walls that night. But, it was destroyed. At one point it had been turned into a school, but it had been destroyed in the Squid Wars. Could this really be the same place?
   A new announcement cut Raven's train of thought off.
   "Everyone report to the Main Hall. Since nothing has happened in the past few days, it's time for me to give out the first motivation. You must arrive in no more than five minutes, and I mean everyone!"
   Sub stood up and walked into the room. Raven turned, her hand still on the wall.
   "Guess I don't have a choice," she muttered. The two walked down the hall, meeting the others in the Main Hall. Mastermind stood in front of them all, his smile still present in his odd mist form. Raven wanted so badly to slap that stupid smirk off his face. But she held herself back, knowing that her hand would probably go through him anyway.
   "So, all of you are being rather boring this week," Mastermind started. "I was prepared for this, though! I present to you all a motivation." Everyone waited in silence as Mastermind paused for effect. "If you kill someone and get away with it you'll not only get to leave but you'll also become rich beyond your wildest dream!"  Several boxes popped out of the floor. They were filled to the brim with diamonds. "That's all!" Mastermind said. He and the chests then disappeared. The group stayed silent for a while. There were several who had enough wealth to live comfortably, so this wasn't all that appealing. Eventually, the group dispersed. Raven decided to finally explore the third floor. Sub, of course, went with her. There was a potion room on this floor. Not just brewing stands here and there either. It was a legit potions room. It was dark, lit with a few redstone torches. There were brewing stands placed by cauldrons and a wall lined with fridges filled with ingredients. Raven and Sub walked out and wandered into another room. It seemed like a doctor's office. There was a surgery table in the middle. Fridge-like containers were lining the back wall. Raven walked over to the first one and pulled on the handle. She stumbled backward at the force, then gagged at the sight. It was Ant's body, the gash in his chest quite visible. Sub looked over Raven's shoulder. He immediately retreated at the sight.
   "Must be where they store the dead bodies," Raven said weakly, closing the door.  
   There was a flash of purple light and a scream from the brewing room. The two rushed out of the medical room and into the brewing room. Sky held Ty in his arms, crying over him. Seto looked down at the sight, tears streaming down his shocked face.
   "Ty! Stay with me please!" Sky begged. Ty opened his eyes. A slight smile spread across his face.
   "Sky..." he said quietly. I've always loved you, you know." He leaned up and kissed Sky, then he fell into Sky's arms. His smile still etched on his face, Ty's eyes slowly closed.
   "Tyler!" Sky yelled through his sobs. Seto stared down at Sky but made no sound.
   "I'm sorry...I didn't mean to...I just wanted to...I didn't think it would..." Seto stumbled through his words.
   "You don't need power or riches to fit in, Seto," Sky snapped. "You know that! I've told you a million times." He looked up at Seto. Seto couldn't meet his gaze. Sky turned back toward Ty. "Ty. Ty, I know you're still here," Sky began. "So, before you leave, I...I need you to know...I love you...I love you, too." There was a pause. Ty's smile widened.
   "It's about time you said it," he whispered. "Love you Sky, see ya around." The world paused for a moment. Then the announcement sounded.
   "Ding dong! A dead body has been found! A certain amount of time will be given for an investigation. Then we will have a court hearing!"
   Raven and Sub looked at Sky as he cried over Ty.
   "I'm sorry," Seto began, "I didn't think...I...I'm sorry."

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