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''Morning Al.'' Mason greeted from the dining table.

''Hola.'' I replied

''What is this and why do I suddenly love it?'' Michael asked from the other table

''They're cinnamon roll pancakes. I saw someone making it and I wanted to try it.'' Mason rubbed the back of his neck

I took a bite out of it and I could've sworn my pupils got 10x bigger.

''I'm in love too.'' I said but with so much food in my mouth it turned more into ''I'f if luf too'' this was so much better than the one at that diner.

They just blinked and then laughed at me.

All of them stopped except for Michael and he was starting to annoy me.

I took my fork and threw it at him and it landed in his mouth.

Then I started laughing and everyone else did too except for Michael.

I looked up at him and he looked like he was about to stab me with the fork.

Me trying to avoid it, I got up and walked back to my room.

''Thanks for breakfast Mason!'' I yelled out without stopping to look back.

I walked back to my room to brush my teeth.

There wasn't really anything to do but just sit around all day.

I changed out of my pjs and into something more presentable. Which was just my military green utility jacket, a flowy plain black tank, black skinny jeans, and my black combat boots.

I just started walking down the hall to Ashton's room where he was watching Family Guy, again.

''Can I join?'' I asked and he turned his head towards me.

With a smile he nodded and said a simple ''sure''

I sat down on his bed next to him.

''Wanna play a game?'' He asked turning his heads towards me.

''Sure, what game though?'' I asked

''21 questions.'' He smiled

''Lame, but okay. You first.'' I replied

''Okay. Um, favorite color.'' He said as he repositioned himself sitting criss-cross (A/N *whispers* apple sauce)

I did the same and then replied ''Black and blue. Favorite show?''

''Family guy, isn't it obvious. Favorite movie?''

''Peter pan, animated one though, and non animated are the X-Men franchise movies. How about you?''

''Any movie with Will Smith. Favoite food?''

My eyes lit up ''PIE PIE PIE!'' I said, well yelled, without hesitation

''Okay okay'' he giggled

''Sorry I just really like pie. How about you?'' I asked

''Chicken, in fact I use to wirk at KFC.'' He said almost too happy about it

''Thats cool'' I laughed

''Okay umm do y-'' before we could finish we heard yelling

''What the hell? Who are you people?'' I heard Mason ask

''Us? Who are you?'' Some guy asked

I closed my eyes ''Giddian show me what's happening.'' I whispered

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