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''You are now all the next line of the league of assassins. You are no longer humans. We welcome you new cyborgs of the world. Each week you will be assigned someone to kill. Bring us back the heads''

''What if we don't get the jobs done?''

''Then we'll find out what that ticking time bomb in your brain could do'' she whispered into my ear


''ALICE WAIT UP'' I heard my father's voice calling behind me. Being just 5 years old I thought they couldn't catch me.

Just a fun day at the park with my family. My mother Lauren, My father Dave, and my older brother Ash.

I ran as fast as I could during our game of tag. I felt like I was a part of the olympics.

A woman walked up to me and asked ''Why hello there sweet pea, would you like some candy you look hungry'' I stopped in my tracks and nodded yes with a bright smile and my pigtails moving in unison with my nod.

She picked me up and walked away with me in her arms.

''Alice where are you?'' I heard Ash calling out ''Ali-ALICE''

''ALICE WAIT FOR ME'' I turned to see him running, but once the lady saw the young boy running she ran.

She threw me into her car and sped away.

''ALICE'' was the last thing I heard from my family


My heart beating fast sweat running down my face as I dropped to the floor

''Again'' Mistress Celine told me

I got up, grabbed my knife, my gun, and my katana.

''I want all 3 of you to come back with the heads of these 4 men''

One of them had a lip ring, the other had dyed hair, one had a bandanna, and one looked asian.

''First one to bring me their heads the fastest won't get the punishment tonight'' Mistress said ''Now go''

I ran to my motorcycle and started the engine right away.

Remembering their image in my head, the implant in my brain searched every single street camera, camera, and places where they could be or where they were at.

My eyes were filled with images from the past 24hrs where they were spotted. The last time they were seen at was at Irvine Spectrum.

I got off of my motorcycle and climbed the building onto the rooftop jumping from rooftop to rooftop.

I closed my eyes to see more of what I need. The arena.

I jumped down from the roof. There was this loud music playing and screaming.

I turned on my night vision. I could see 2 big buff guys walking towards me trying to stop me. Without hesitation I slid them in half from their torso.

More walked my way and I did the same not hesitating, with no emotion.

As I finished off the last bodyguard the music stopped


I closed my eyes trying to get into someone else's mind. I saw the 4 boys walking off stage.

I turned on my invisibility sheild and walked through the walls finding my destination.

Without hesitating, I crouched down, putting my hands to the ground, feeling the electric power, I concentrated on burning all of the light and power sources in the whole arena.

I could hear people screaming.

Listening very closely, I could hear one of them from 5 rooms away asking what had happened.

Walking through all of the walls. I spotted the one with the bandanna.

I grabbed my katana ready to aim, but this time it was different. This guy was different.

I...I hesitated. I felt emotions.

I lost my concentration and now they could see me.

''Who the fuck are you?'' One of them asked

The bandanna guy turned around ''DON'T HURT ME PLEASE'' and I could see him crying

''Please you could take my money here's my wallet, just don't hurt us'' he chucked his wallet at me.

It opened and I saw his ID ''Ashton Fletcher Irwin'' was his name

''Ashton Fletcher Irwin'' I mumbled

''Please just take it, don't hurt us'' he said

I walked closer and clutched his throat. Holding him against the wall.

''LET HIM GO TAKE ME INSTEAD PLEASE JUST PLEASE'' the guy with the lip ring cried

I saw this Ashton guy looking at my necklace


''How do you know my name? Who do you work for? Why is Mistress after you?''

''A-alice? I-s that y-ou? Ali-ce?''


I could see him turning blue. For some reason my hand started shaking. Releasing him I fell to the ground.

''What did you do to me?'' I tried turning invisible, but I was too weak. Black spots started filling my vision, my computer chips all started malfunctioning.


''Alice can you hear me? Alice? Alice please wake up?''

I slowly opened my eyes and he was there

I got up and crawled to the nearest corner

Trying to get my breathing to steady again I asked ''W-what d-did you do to m-me'' slowly looking up at his face, I could see him looking at my necklace. I looked down at it too.

''Alice'' he whispered

'Reboot Reboot' it was flashing in big bold red letters, my program was rebooting.

''Alice talk to me'' the boy asked

''Don't call me that, you don't know me''

''I do, I do know you'' he cried ''You're my sister Alice, I know it's you. You see that necklace of your's? I have one too'' he said as he pulled it out from underneath his shirt. He had a moon and I had the star.

''That doesn't mean crap, now let me out of here''

'Reboot Finished'

''Alice please''

I smirked as soon as the words flashed in front of me.

''See you in hell'' I said as I went invisible and started walking through the walls. As soon as I was out I ran.

I found an abandoned '67 Impala Chevy black and took it. As soon as I hotwired it I drove off.

I couldn't go back to Mistress Celine until I got at least one of their heads or else my punishment would start there.

I still couldn't figure out what happened. I felt emotions. If thats even how emotions felt like.

He knew my name, that boy knew my name.

I was soon shooken out of my thoughts when I heard a car horn beeping towards me as I was about to crash into them but I turned the opposite direction as fast as I could.

They didn't train me for this. They didn't programmed me for this. I wasn't made for emotions, I was created to kill. And I have to remember that.

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