34 2 1

There were silent snores coming out of the boys. I was the only one up and I was waiting to past a pit stop so I can get gas.

15 mins has past and I saw a small gas station. I parked the car and went in to pay for the gas.

''$40 for number 3'' I handed the money to the guy behind the cashier and he entered something and gave me a reciept.

I got a few snacks knowing the boys would be hungry too. Grabbing everything I saw and paid for it.

I walked out. It felt weird. It was like I was being followed.

I slowly walked to the car looking behind me. I grab the gas filler and inserting it into the car's gas tank hole.

I was waiting for it to be done, but it felt like I was being watched.

''Giddian, are we the only ones here?'' I whispered

''No ma'am. It seems like we have company'' she replied.

I opened the door quickly grabbing my katana putting it behind my back and retrieved my bow and arrow positioning it so it would be able to shoot at any minute.

''AHH'' I turned out and a girl jumped onto me but I ducked so she would miss and hit her head onto the hood of the car. That made the boys wake up.

I shot an arrow behind her thigh to keep her from walking fast.

She slowly got up holding her two machete in both hands.

We walked in circle not breaking eye contact.

I tossed my bow aside and grabbed my katana holding it with both hands.

''What are you doing Kali? You know very well that these boys are on the hitlist.'' She said sending me a death look holding her machete in an 'x' form.

''I'd say mind your own damn business, but knowing where we came from, you can't.'' I had enough and jumped ontop of the car landing behind her, puncturing the arrow I shot her with deeper making her drop her weapons and kneeled onto the floor.

I took hold of her arms putting it behind her so she can't get a hold of me holding my katana against her kneck.

''Do it. I dare you.'' She said trying to breathe.

''I usually would, but I want you to send a message to your boss for me. Tell them I said kiss my ass bitch.'' I took the bottom handle of my katana hitting her hard ontop of her head with it knowing it would knock her out for a few hours so I could get a head start.

I grabbed my bow and ran back into the car starting the engine and speeding away.

''WHO THE HELL WAS THAT!?'' Michael yelled

''Someone from a different sanctuary station that was also sent to kill you.''

''Oh my god is she dead. She's dead. She's probably dead. Yup she's dead.'' Mason rambled in disbelief

''She's not dead just unconcious now shut up.'' I snapped

''Are you okay? Are you hurt?'' Ashton asked checking for any wounds

''Perfectly fine. I got you guys snack just in case you guys got hungry. We can't take anymore stops or else that would happen again.''

''That. Was...Badass'' Calum said in between deep breaths.

''What he said'' Luke said still holding onto Michael's arm

''Thanks.'' I smirked

''Alice is this going to ruin you and your Mistress' trust?'' Mason said leaning foward to look at me

''No. She's to oblivious. She'll still trust because she thinks I'm loyal to her. I'm her favorite.'' I shrugged my shoulder on the last part.

''I'm just worried about you. You're practically the only family I have.'' Mason said taking on last look at me.

For some reason I felt tingly. It was a feeling I've never had before. Then again I never felt emotions.

''I'm fine Mase.'' I gave him a small smile through the mirror and then took my attention back to the road.

It was empty with just a few cars.

''Alice?'' I turned my head to the passenger seat

''Yeah Ash?''

''You'll be okay right? I can't lose you. Not again. Not ever again.'' He said looking down.

''No one's losing me. Not until I know everyone's lives are okay.'' I reassured him. ''You guys should go back to sleep. It's still night. We have a few more hours until we get there. It'd be faster if I teleported us there, but they can track us by our power usage.''

''Wait, then how did they other girl find us?'' Calum asked

''Yeah how did she find us?'' Mason and Michael said in unison

''She was a wolf hybrid. Tracked us by scent. The further we get, the less scent we leave behind.'' I answered
''Now just go back to sleep or eat. I'll wake you guys up when we get there.''

They answered with faint snores. I thought everyone fell asleep, but then I looked at the rearview mirror to see Calum wide awake.

''Ali?'' He asked softly

''Yeah Cal?''

''Will I ever be able to see my family again?'' He asked

I furrowed my eyebrows ''You will. I'll make sure of it. I promise.'' I promised

''When you saved Mason, did he ever see his family again?'' Cal asked

''Um, with Mason...it was different. I found him in his apartment alone. I was about to kill him too, but something told me I would have regretted it. So, I searched for more about him. Turns out, he just moved into there from an orphange. He just turned 18 and they let him go, and he used the money his parents gave him that was written in their deed. He was thankful that I saved his life, but I know a part of him is upset that he had to leave so sudden. He's the reason why I felt a bit of emotion. I just knew saving him was the best thing I had ever done.'' I took a moment to let the both of us to process then continued ''Honestly, even though I've found Ash, Mason stills feels like the only family I have.'' I felt a tear rolling down my cheek.

''I understand. I hope you can trust me as much as you trust Mason one day.'' He said fiddling his thumbs.

''I hope so too, Cal'' I looked back giving him a small smile before turning my attention back to the road.

''I hope you know that I really appreciate you risking your life for our's and I'm speaking for all of the guys right now.'' Calum admitted

I didn't answer, I just smiled to myself knowing that if I succeeded my plan on saving them and die in the process, I'd be okay with it. As as they're safe.


this chapter was iffy, it was hard to describe the fighting scene and I hope you guys were okay with it?

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