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[Thinking Of Him]


I sat, down on the bench, and watched him talk to my mom from a far, he smiled at her and she blushed. their love for each other melted my soul in a good way.

It was fall; the red, orange and yellow mixed with lime green leaves Fell upon the ground while the others stocked into piles, waiting to be picked up the gardener's.

I heard birds Chirping and crows croaking, i saw beautiful, orange, black and yellow butterflies dancing together, at this moment in time, I felt Life and love, now I was broken and with no care in the world, my light and sun was gone.

He smiled at me and it filled my heart and soul with excitement. I smiled back with my pearly white little teeth. my hair was straight but short, my cheeks was heated but probably wasn't noticeable on the outside of my carmel skin.

It was chilly so i shivered from the cool, breeze that hot me like lightning. with no hate in my heart I Waved at the light-pale pigmented couple, I figured they were in their late forties or early fifties. I threw them a warm friendly smile.

I was a loquacious youth, with happiness and joy. my mom smiled at me as well with my dad trailing behind her. she strutted over to me because he was chasing her laughs filled the neighborhood park semi forest.

"Samling, Are you ready to go?" my dad asked, recovering from laughter after playing with my mom.

"Yes father!" I chimmed.

Prior to us leaving me and my dad Samuel, Ran, played and chanted around like he was my age, I knew my dad had back problems, but he never showed his pain infront of me purposely.

It was always hiding Behind his Curtain.


I was looking out the window , on the school bus as the Leaves was falling swiftly off the trees. I Shared a single tear, as it lingered in my warm depressed cheek.

"Miss Steels Your home" My bus driver told me.


nodding wordlessly, and slide out of my seat, all sad and shit. The moment I remembered wasn't sad, but knowing that memory was a once life live in.

I have fallen. i fail. back into that hell whole of depression,it sucked me in with its hate .devoured me.


I really wish, it was something that can help me recover from this bullshit, but seeing that Flashback, shattered my heart.MY HEART.

I walked off the bus, with my head down,I saw my mom are here.


I walked up the porch steps , to enter my house door, it's locked.


I knock, but my mother is jamming loud, Very loud where she can't her a fly. I look around and notice a random. Audi 8 red- burgundy Car is also parked next to my mom car. so that mean a random a person is here.
and I have to pretend to be interested in a hello or what ever the hell they have to say.


She Finally Opened The Door. With a Smile Plastered on her face. "Sam are gonna' Come in!" Nah I came here to just knock on the door for fun. I starred At her blankly, walking pass her, I wasn't in the mood for her ; belts, Arguments, or even her mouth, especially her mood swings.

"Sam!" she called after me. I walked straight in my room, still MAD; loco, crazy depressed About my father. my dad was my light, he was my knight and shinning armor. but he left me in the castle with the Dungeons and dragons.

I closed my door, and it swung open as I laid on my bed. i starred at her ass with no emotion, "You heard me calling you."

Blank stare.

"Since your ass wanna be all in ignore momma mode. We moving Friday."

This Lady sure knows how to sink my boat.


To be honest, I care but not really because I'm tired of picking arguments, with her annoying ass. I love her but she be trying me heavy.

"your not going to say nothing?"

I just starred."come down stairs and meet your new step dad."

Bitch you got me fucked up.


Excuse My Typos and Mistakes.

New Update coming.

The Drama hasn't begun Yet.


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