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-Life Is Exhausting Me out fr! 😣😟

keep yall heads up ❤ I mean that.


[sam$] $


I sat in Chipotle as Samie order our food, she wanted to talk. I honestly felt like shit, I missed Candice she's been M.I.A , Nikki been damn near stalking me, and Jasmine Hasn't Even looked my way. today was after our little argument. Tomorrow was school, yay me. I fucking hated school it was annoying as hell.

"I'm sorry, little bro forreal, I haven't once thought about how you might be feeling with all this shit going on in your life and Killer, tortured and damn near killed that nigga that raped you, you thought Ian, know well you was gladly mistaking. I was just mad at you for not telling me, you think I can't protect you Sam, I love you like you are my own, you was the one who motivated me to stand up to momma' you saw what happened to dad, while I was at a friend's sleepover, and I never once asked you how you feel, I feel like shit and that's why I have been avoiding you because, im just scared you wont love me and look up to me anymore." she said almost shedding a tear, I barely saw in my life.

I just wasn't hearing anything people say anymore, everything came out someone's mouth was bullshit, I was honestly done with everything and everyone.

"Sam did you hear me?" she asked taking a bite of what ever she was eating. I wasn't even hungry she always forcing me to eat, I picked at a salad displayed infront of me.

"mhmmhmmpp!" I hummed, not really interested in being here, suddenly two people caught my attention, my momma and her man, he was ugly as fuck due the old scars on his face. why killer ain't kill him? maybe I should do it, a evil smirked appeared across my face.

my momma locked eyes with me and I rolled my eyes."So this what you do? leave my house and live with her trifling ass?-" she snorted walking all fast over to us, Samie looked back immediately because annoyed.

"Could cho' irritating ass go back over there, before I show what I do forreal." I said calmly, why the fuck people be so hostile when they snapping at someone, like if you don't scream ,I will probably actually focus on what you saying instead thinking of slapping the shit outta' for screaming in my face.

she gasped, and whacked me in the face.should I slap her? nah that's way outta' my interest im bout punch her ass."Yo' get the fuck from by us before I let her slap yo' ass back!" Samie added in.

I stayed humbled and calm, I wasn't about to let her change my mood, she wasn't as important to me anymore, I wouldn't get the light and day to even think she could."Shut up, and be a junky, jumping in our conversation like your up to my standards-"

"Aye, ima ask y'all nicely shut the fuck up or get the fuck out!" one of the workers yelled over to us, I bust out laughing how was that nicely? me laughing only made my momma madder.

"You heard the man, you dismissed." I politely stated.


Nikki, blew up my phone non stop, I had to cut that shit off for a while, but when you a drug dealer cutting yo' off make you miss money or get you got.

"Why the fuck you keep blowing up my phone, is someone dying because if they are, then you calling the wrong person, you need to be calling the police or ambulance......" I said nonchalantly.

"I need you to come over now...." way hold the hell up, who she ordering around, Ion take orders, Ion work at McDonald's.

"Who the fuck you ordering around you don't own me nigga....."

"you got ten mins, or I will not take my medication, and come get you my self....." she hung up.

fucking bitch. I could just shoot her ass time she knock on my door, but ion wanna go to jail.

I arrived eleven minutes later because I'm that petty. she didn't even give me time to get out my car, before snatching me out, and dragging me to her room."you are one minute late, don't think i ain't notice. "

"did you take your medication?"

"don't worry about that."

I came to a halt "Nigga say what, you got me all the way fucked up, you better take them shits now, or im leaving."

nikki huffed " I took one already."

"you not calm, bruh you couldn't have took em!" she ignored me and snatched me then threw me onto her bed, my weight wasn't helping me at all, I bet if I was buff , niggas won't keep snatching me around.

"shut up, and listen!"

I huffed I hated being dominated by anyone."what the fuck you want man."

"I want you all to myself, Ion wanna see you with no one else if I do ima kill them and kidnap you."

"April fool's you got me, now stop playing because I got shit to do."

she said nothing.


this update suck ass but I promise it will get better. excuse all mistakes, and answer the question below.

How to you'all think Sam really feel deep down inside about her life period, is she off coke?

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