Chapter 2

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(A/N: This book does not promote murder, so please don't ever commit this act of crime!)

The three brothers sat around the table, looking at the pictures of the victims. Staring at the dead bodies, having their minds twist in reasons why they could do this. Over hundreds of people kill, hundreds of innocent people, leaving so many people hurt by what happened. They just couldn't wrap their head around the reason for this, they couldn't see why or how someone could do this.

"Every single person they kill, someone always thanks them," Boomer muttered as he tossed down the picture of a man, who abused his son in ways that they didn't know, and saw his body was bruised, wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Why would they though?" Butch asked as he looked towards his brothers. "I mean their family, mother or father, even siblings died. And they're thanking these monsters?" He said as he ran his hands through his black hair.

"Look whatever the reason is, is the thing that keeps them killing," Brick said. Boomer frowned and looked towards Brick.

"So you're saying if they kill someone, and no one thanks them, we'll catch them?" The blonde asked as Brick nodded.

"I mean it sounds like that's all they want," Brick mumbled.

Butch sighed and shrugged his shoulders. Butch chewed on his fingernails, looking at the photos, and seeing they were happy. But it felt off to him, he narrowed his eyes before he could say anything an officer rani n. Butch looked over and saw that there was blood all over him, the three officers jumped up and ran out of the room.

People were rushing around the room, trying to help people, and they saw a small boy was sitting on the bench. Boomer walked towards the small boy, from this morning, he saw him holding the rose. Boomer smiled as the boy looked towards him. His blank brown eyes stared into Boomer's dark blue eyes and he handed him the white rose. Boomer opened his mouth but the boy ran away before he could say anything. Boomer looked down towards the rose, with the thorns cutaway, and a small note was attached to the rose.

He chewed his bottom lip. He grabbed the note and opened it, seeing cursive lettering with dotted hearts, and smelled bleach coming from the note. He frowned, shaking his head as he looked over the note, and frowned reading the note.

Stop looking for us. You won't find us, so just stop. Besides midnight won't be good, am I right, Officer Boomer?

Boomer gulped as he looked towards his brothers, and nodded as they walked out of the chaos station. They stood in the front, as Butch pulled out his pack of cigarettes and Boomer passed them the note.

"What does that mean?" Butch asked as Brick shrugged his shoulders.

"They want us to stop," Boomer said as Brick nodded.

"We're getting under their skin. We need to keep the pressure on them, they're going to slip. And this clue is going to bring us closer to them." The eldest said as he pocketed the note in his pocket as Boomer sighed.

"But we only have two hours." The blonde muttered.


Blossom sat on the bench, reading her book as the boy ran towards her. She peeked over the book as she smiled. The boy nodded his head as he hugged her legs and ran away as she stood up. She pulled her collar up as she stuffed her book in her bag, and walked away from the park.

Her heels clicked along with the concrete as she walked inside the coffee shop, and saw her two friends were sitting at their usual place. She sat across from her friend, Buttercup, who was eating her sandwich and Bubbles was smiling and drinking her smoothie. Blossom grabbed some fries from Buttercup's plate and Bubbles looked around.

"Did he do it?" She asked as Blossom nodded.

"We have two hours, and he doesn't leave his house until eleven to go the corner," Blossom said as Buttercup nodded.

The three girls continue to eat and talk about some happy memories, which was rare. They paid with cash and then left at different times, grabbing their supplies. Blossom leaving last, grabbing her cup, then they met up at the corner. Blossom hide behind the wall, with Buttercup on her side, as they saw Bubbles was standing the corner, with clothes revealing herself.

Blossom saw the man pull up and Bubbles was sweet-talking him, Buttercup walked behind the car, and Bubbles gave her the sign to open the door. Buttercup busted the window with her elbow and opened the door from the inside. The man tried to throw a punch towards him, but end up missing, she grabbed him and pulled him out. She put her boot on his back as she tied his hands behind his back, and Blossom walked towards him with the needle.

Buttercup pulled him up and slammed him against the car as Bubbles tied his legs together and Blossom looked towards the man and injected the needle in his shoulder. Buttercup looked towards Bubbles, who was covering herself with a jacket, and she saw Blossom grabbing the gasoline from the back, and Buttercup pulled off the man who was screaming from the poison going through his body.

She put in a praying position, as Bubbles stapled a letter on his back, and the man screamed as Blossom lit the car on fire. Bubbles sat out the roses, and she placed a box in front of the man, and she looked towards the car. Blossom heard someone screaming, the three girls looked at each other as sirens came. Blossom grabbed her friend's wrist and they ran towards the alley, and crawled through the broken window, and heard people crowding the man, who was still dying.

"Isn't he supposed to be dead?" Buttercup hissed as Blossom chewed her lip.

"This never happened before," Bubbles whispered as they saw the man collapsed and Blossom let out a breath of relief.

"He's dead, now his wife can have some peace," Blossom muttered as the three crawled into the abandoned building and went to their secret hideout.

Brick parked his car as they ran out of the car. They saw some people were trying to put out the fire, while others were getting the man out of the ropes, and two people were talking to an older woman. Brick walked towards the woman, as Butch went to the car, as Boomer headed towards the woman his name was called out.

"Officer Boomer!" Sandra, the chief, yelled out as Boomer jogged towards her. He saw her holding a note with a box, and he gulped as she sighed.

"The note was stapled onto his back, while the box laid in front of him." She replied as Boomer nodded and grabbed the items. He opened the note and saw she was looking over his shoulder as he widened his eyes.

Happy Birthday, Officer Boomer, we hope that you like the present in the box. Don't worry, it's nothing bloody. But remember not all clues are easy

He shook his head as he saw the same cursive lettering and opened the box, and saw his old yearbook, he raised his eyebrow as he opened it and saw a picture of a guy circled, with three hearts. Boomer looked towards his chief as he looked back at the man who was getting carried away, and he closed his book.

Trying to figure out what the clue means.

Heyyo Cocos!!!!!!

What we thinks??? Rowdyruff boys??? Powerpuff girls??? What does the clue mean??? The boy?? Wells tells me your thoughts!!!!!! 

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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