Chapter 5

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Buttercup sat on the couch, laying back. It was around midnight, and she listened to the other girls snore. They decided to take a break from their job, and just wanted to relax. Buttercup knew that it was risky, since people was looking for them, and having 'fans' wanting to know who they was. They figured it would be good to have a break, and not worry the town so much.

She sighed as she sat up, rubbed her eyes. Buttercup sighed as she shook her head. The black haired girl walked towards the front door, and grabbed her jacket. She slipped it over her tanktop and slipped on her rain boots, since it was drizzling outside. Buttercup sighed as she walked out the house and made her way towards the towns cafe.

The only towns cafe, which is Morbucks Central, is mostly known for their food, since they have old fashion goods there. And it is run by the famous Morbucks family, since no really wanted to mess with them, so they just there for the food. Buttercup and Princess, the only child of Morbucks, have a complicated relationship. Sometimes they will be best friends other times they will be enemies, since they have similar personalities they tend to clash a lot.

Buttercup sighed as she walked inside the cafe, and saw there was only around five people there. One family, that consist of three, an old man in the corner, and a young girl with her guitar. The place was mostly known for food, as mentioned before, but they will let you stay the night if you really need too. She sighed as she walked towards the counter and grabbed the menu, she looked over the items but already knew what she wanted, since she usually comes everyday with Blossom and Bubbles.

"Hiya hun'," The waitress, Perrie, said as Buttercup smiled towards her. "The usual?" She asked as Buttercup nodded.

"Yeah." Buttercup replied as Perrie smiled.

"Mkay, here you go. Some black coffee while your pancakes are being made." Perrie said with a smile as she poured her some coffee.

Buttercup grabbed the white cup and brought it to her lips, she listened to the old eighties music, and closed her eyes. She loved being here, ever since high school this was her escape place. Coming here after school, then leaving whenever it around her curfew time. This place was something that meant special to her, it was like a home she never gotten before. Everyone knew her here, and they loved her because she was herself here, not some fake person.

It was everything she ever dreamed it could be.

But that changed whenever the night of their last day of highschool, whenever she finally meet up with Bubbles and Blossom, something in them snapped. Buttercup finally had to put her fake face up, but in the place that given her so much help and love, she hated doing that. Because this was her home, and everything she ever wanted was here. And now she had to learn again, how to let people in even if they touched her heart in many ways.

Buttercup sighed as she looked down at the cup, she didn't know what to say. She heard her friend, Mitch laughing as he cooked in the kitchen, she heard Princess making bets with Perrie about Mitch skills. This is where she learned that everything was going to be a okay, and seeing them becoming happier while she as stuck in this dark hole.

It was heartbreaking.

Buttercup shook her head as she sighed once more. Bringing the cup up to her mouth, and allowing the warmth touch her face. She kept the cup there, and closed her eyes. Buttercup finally let her other hand grabbed the other cup, since she was shaking bad, and began to think about everything that she ever loved in this place.

All the old wallpaper, which was an ugly yellow color, yet it made her happy seeing it. The weird booths that lined along the windows, and had either people's named carved in or pillows for you to sit on. The tables that had salt and pepper,with napkins, where people wrote their numbers to others or just played tic tac toe whenever their parents was talking to a friend. The bar, that had stools where you couldn't touch the ground, even if you were tall, but she loved it.

"You know it's better to drink the coffee," She heard a voice say, breaking her from her train of thought.

Buttercup looked over and saw Butch, sitting there with his jacket soak, and wearing some clothes like he came from the gym. Buttercup gasped as she pulled the cup away from her face, and saw him smiling at her. He was a seat away from her, and he was dragging the water out from his long black hair.

His dark green eyes shined in the light, as he wiped away the rain from his face. "I'm just saying, because my brother would always do that but then complain that it would fog up his glasses," Butch said with a chuckle as Buttercup raised her eyebrow towards him. "But then again, I'm guess you was thinking? Because if you was then that would be terrible person of me." He replied with a laugh.

"I wasn't thinking," Buttercup replied as Butch put his hands up. "But why would a stranger share something personal to me? Because all you know about, it that I could be apart of a gang and wanting to take you down." Buttercup said as Butch smirked.

"I like your way of thinking," Butch said as Buttercup narrowed her eyes towards him. "But whatever right? Life about chances, but if you're a gang member, and you try anything to harm me or people in this diner, I will have to take you downtown." Butch said in a serious tone as Buttercup shook her head and grabbed the cup of coffee.

"I'm not a gang member, why would I waste my life fighting people whenever I'm protecting them." Buttercup said as she drank some coffee, as Butch widened his eyes towards her.

"Your a cop too?"

"You could say that."

"Oh god, please don't tell me you're a fed? Because that would suck monkey dicks."

"Monkey dicks?"

"Yeah you know, the things that males has. It how we humans make babies, and don't forget that's how males relieve themselves." Butch said as Buttercup stuck her tongue out.

"Thats gross," Buttercup said as Butch opened his mouth. "In both ways." She finished as Butch laughed and rolled his eyes.

Buttercup finally saw her plate coming as she smiled towards Perrie. Perrie giggled as she saw Buttercup digging into the pancakes, she turned to Butch and took down his order. Buttercup groaned as she felt the warm syrup go down her throat, and she tried not to think of the good memories, scene the cop that she didn't like was sitting near her.

"You know, you remind me of someone." He said as Buttercup looked towards him.

"Who?" She asked.

"I hate to say this, but you make me thing of Buttercup from Dangerous Women case," Butch said as Buttercup rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"Nahh, I'm better than hre." Buttercup said as Butch raised his eyebrow but chuckled whenever she said that.

"What's your name them?" He asked as she smiled and looked towards him.

"Kaoru." She replied.

Heyyo Cocos!!!!!

What we thinks???? I wanted a Butchercup chapter, since I was in the mood haha... So here you go Butchercup fanns!!!! So your thoughts??? Buttercup??? Butch??? Wells your thoughts??? ((Also Boomubbles and Blossick chapters are comingg!!!))

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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