Chapter 8

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Ever since Butch was little, he always dreamed of becoming in a the police force. He liked knowing that he could make a difference, but whenever high school came around his views changed on certain points.

Since he's been hanging out with that gang, the football jocks, he's changed his view points on the world. Sure he was still nice to his family, but he couldn't see his parents the same. After finding out what his parents did to each other, after learning the truth from his friend in high school he had no idea what to say.

Butch sighed as he pushed his hair back and laid back in his chair. Looking at the case files was making him upset, because he couldn't understand why the people couldn't cry seeing their love ones. Sure he didn't cry seeing his parents dead on the floor, but he felt like he needed to be strong for his brothers. But seeing these strangers look at the people with disgust made him want to rethink everything, like why they wasn't upset?

If he had to go back that night, he would've hugged his parents, he would've told them that he loved them. But instead he rushed out that day, grabbing a bagel and never looked back. But instead he saw his parents died on the floor. Butch groaned as he rubbed his face and stood up, not caring if he was making a scene. He grabbed his jacket and rushed outside, trying to get away from the case.

That night he made a promise to himself that he would catch the monsters that took his parents out of the world, but somehow he was thinking that he was a monster. Sure he was hanging out with the wrong type of people, his mother even told him but he couldn't seem to admit it to himself. His mother was right, even if it killed to even say it now.

His mother was right, and every time she would tell him to stop hanging out with those people Butch just waved her off. He didn't listened to her and they almost made him lose his path from he dreamed of going, he wanted to a be a police officer but he didn't realize what the cost was. If He wouldn't have told his parents who they was, maybe they would still be alive and scolding him to brush his teeth or stop drinking coffee late at night.

Butch chuckled at the thought his mother telling him to brush his hair everyday and everynight. His father telling him to respect a woman and keep his back straight. Butch rolled his eyes as he slide in his beaten down car and looked straight past him. He began to think about his father's dark brown hair, his light blue eyes, the wrinkles across his forehead. His mother's curly light orange hair, her dark green eyes, her pale skin that never seemed to aged or had a flaw.

He sighed as he thought about his parents but began to drive towards the dinner downtown. He turned on the radio, hoping to drown his thoughts of his parents. He didn't want to think of them, he didn't want to go back during his last year high school, he didn't want to be crying because of them. Butch knew that wanted him to happy, not sad or thinking the things that made him upset. His father would smack the back side of his head, telling him 'Stop thinking bad things idiot, are you really trying to ruin your bad boy image son?'. His mother telling him, 'Honey we just want you to be happy, so please stop crying.'.

He pulled up at the dinner and heard the same old eighties music, he heard the same laughter and he chewed on his bottom lip. He came here just last week and met some stranger girl, where she was doing the thing that Brick does whenever he thinks. He told her some things about himself, and she done the same. But he wanted to know that she was there. Butch gripped on the steering wheel and chewed his bottom lip and stepped out the car.

Butch walked inside the cafe and looked around. He frowned whenever he didn't see the girl from last week and walked towards the counter, sat in the same seat he did.Butch grabbed onto the menu and told the woman his order and chewed the inside of his cheek. Drinking his hot chocolate and eating his fries.

It was all peaceful until he began thinking about his parents again. Butch chomped on his bottom lip, trying to cause himself physical pain, but it wasn't working. He began to think about how his mother would make him press his sleeve against the wound, as he began moving his white shirt to his lip, he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Butch turned and saw the same girl from last week. Butch widened his eyes and pulled his arm down and blew his hair from his face and gave her a weak smile.

"Why do you look like you should be in a soap opera, monkey man?" She asked as Butch raised his eyebrow at the nickname she given him.

"Monkey man? Is that the best you came up with?" Butch retorted as she rolled her eyes and sat next to him and nodding towards the waitress.

"I could think of something more awesome, but then again I am pretty awesome so nothing is better than monkey man. You know, also you're wearing a monkey suit. So yeah."

"It's pretty lame if you ask me. Besides shouldn't you. I dunno be in school."

"I graduated you ninny, so please check yourself."

"Chill girl, I was just asking. Besides you look around sixteen."

"Actually I'm nineteen bird brain."

Butch Paused as he looked towards her, she was drinking her coffee. Her black hair was tied back in a ponytail, she was wearing a pair of black sweatpants and had on a white t-shirt, with a green jacket over her shirt and the sleeves pushed up. She looked towards him with her eyebrow raised and rolled his eyes.

"Do I have something on my face or?" She replied as Butch smirked.

"I mean if you count your nose, eyes, mouth and eyebrows then yes you got something on your face. Unless you didn't know." Butch said as she punched his arm and pursed her lips.

Her green eyes flashed with worriness as she reached out towards him, and pulled back her hand. She cleared her throat and pointed towards her bottom lip.

"What happen to your lip? Did you fall or something?" She asked as Butch chuckled shook his head.

"Naw, I chomped on it because I was really hungry." He lied as she widened her eyes, then began to burst out in laughter.

She grabbed onto her stomach and began to snort as she tilt back some. Butch raised his eyebrow as she snorted and smiled. He felt happy and turned towards her and began to tease her about her snort. The two stayed at the dinner until it closed, just laughing and talking about random things.

And they both felt happy.

Heyyo Cocos!!!!!

What we thinks??? Butch??? Buttercup??? A butchercup chapter for you, because I was in a Butchercup mood!! So your thougts??? Also something really big is coming, so be ready!!!!

Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!

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