Chapter XI: Meetings and Menaces

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The Lady Knight

"Have you packed all that you had brought with you?" Dora pestered me for the hundredth time that morning, fussing with the straps on Aurora.

Rolling my eyes, I mounted my mare in one swift motion. "Yes, Dora, yes," I answered wryly, "even if I have forgotten something, I give you full permission to keep it as a memory, and cry over it every day."

She stuck out her tongue at me, before growing pensive. "I will truly miss you."

"Me too," Jo piped up sadly, "do take care, will you not?"

I nodded, as Lisa stepped forward at that moment towards Aurora and held up her arms towards me. Smiling sadly, I bent down as much as I dared without falling off, to envelope her in an awkward hug.

"Write to me often, all right?" she mumbled, "and visit me whenever you are able to. And remember to drag Kat along with you."

"Je le promets, Lisa. Au revoir."

Lisa smiled faintly upon hearing my French. Although French was the official language of Monrique, I rarely spoke it.

It reminded me too much of my mother.

However, this occasion was special, and I was willing to make an exception. I always found that I was able to express myself more sincerely in my native language in comparison to English.

She understood, as she always did. "Au revoir, Jules. Have a safe journey."

"I will."

Satisfied, Lisa turned around and walked towards Evoric, who took her hand in his. She squeezed it gently in return, completely forgetting all those present around them in the courtyard.

I smiled at the pair. True to his word, the Prince had spent three long hours the very next day persuading and arguing with the Duke and Duchess of Louvre about Lisa and Evoric.

At long last, the Duchess had relented and allowed them to court.

However, I had a faint, lingering suspicion that she was hoping that the courtship would not last long. I did not fail to notice how her eyes gleamed with fanatical hope every time Lisa had begun an argument, however small, with Evoric these last few days.

Yet, I cared not and neither did Lisa. All that mattered now was that Lisa and Evoric had achieved what they had wished to and were very happy with each other.

That made me, and the Prince, very happy also.

"Shall we leave now, Julie?" the Prince asked me quietly, interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded at him.

He then turned to the rest of the smiling Louvrians gathered below. "Thank you so much, all of you, for hosting us for this past week. Our visit to Louvre has been very memorable and enjoyable, and I wish to visit again sometime in the future, if you would allow me."

He beamed down at them, all memories of the poisoning scare a few days ago forgotten.

"You are always welcome, Your Royal Highness," Lord George grinned, having grown genuinely fond of the Prince, "we would be most glad to host you again."

"Thank you, Lord Louvre."

I cleared my throat. "Captains, mount your horses!"

Captain Dupont, Captain Percival and Captain Everard obeyed at once, and took their positions behind the Prince and me. A frown made its way to my face, as I remembered why the size of our entourage had decreased.

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