Chapter XIX: Pranks and Paybacks

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  • Dedicated to To all those more experienced pranksters in this world!

The Lady Knight

I stood up on my toes and surveyed all those gathered around me.

Excitement and anticipation hung in the air, and hushed whispers saturated the atmosphere. Enveloped in such a highly-charged environment, I counted all those who were gathered, mouthing the numbers to myself.

Six, including myself. We were missing one more.

I scowled, annoyed. Who was it that was late? Did I not specify clearly that I needed everyone to return at 06 00 hours sharp?

"Diana has yet to return," Marguerite piped up helpfully beside me, noticing my expression, "I am certain she will be here soon."

"Where is she?" I frowned, "it is almost time. If she does not come soon, all our planning last night might go down the drain."

"Do not fret so much, Julie," the Prince, who was slouching on my right, yawned as he rubbed his eyes, "calm down."

I stared at him, mystified. "Why do you look as if you have not slept for days at end, Your Royal Highness?"

"None of us had any sleep last night, fireball," he grumbled, "you had to keep a briefing session at midnight, did you not? You and your payback. At times, I wonder why I even put up with you at all."

"I am not forcing you to come, and neither am I begging you to put up with me, Your Royal Highness," I shot back, "and I am not a fireball! Why do you insist -"

"Neither of you are much of a morning person, then," Camille cut in, rolling her eyes.

Before we could retort, a gust of wind slapped our faces as a blur of blue passed us. "Everything is good and ready to go," Diana skidded to a stop in front of us, beaming widely.

"Thank goodness," Camille muttered, "a war would have broken out had you come any later."

The Prince shot her a glare, as I ignored her and faced the rest.

"All right, everyone, silence." I commanded, clapping my hands together softly to catch their attention.

All chatter died down at once, as they looked to me expectantly. I gazed around at them, clasping my hands behind my back.

The moment I had told Camille of my intentions at the Ball three days ago, she had not hesitated to rally the whole lot of them - Marguerite, Diana, in addition to Anna's and Sophie's younger brother Joseph, and Diana's older brother Carl.

Then there was Camille herself, the Prince and me.

The seven of us, ranging from ages sixteen to twenty-three, currently had a common goal - to put Andrew in his place once and for all. We had sat down in my study right after the Ball three days ago and mapped out how we were going to go about it.

Clearly, there was no time to waste.

Anna, Sophie and Frances would have joined us, I was certain, had Anna not taken to bed on the Ball night with fever like I had predicted. Sophie and Frances were taking care of her, and though they had assured me that Anna would recover soon, I did not think so.

For the first time that day, I had seen Anna truly defeated, and that worried me. Her illness was in her mind, not in her body. Until she stopped tormenting herself over Andrew's words, I doubted she would get well soon.

I sincerely hoped that what we were about to do would help her recover.

And of course, Andrew was going to get what he deserved at last.

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