Chapter XXXVI: Pianofortes and Presents

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Prince Nicholas

"Katherine Eleanor Harrington! Should I catch you with my box of marzipan, I swear to God, I shall - "

Almost the very instant after, I heard someone stomping upstairs, purposely ensuring that the sound of their boots is heard clear and hard against the marble stairs.

I squeezed the last of my clothes into my sack, shaking my head in amusement, as I heard Lord Roche chuckle beside me.

"I wish Lady Katherine all the best," I muttered wryly, "I know I would not want to be caught with that box."

"My niece has always had a penchant for Marzipan," he remarked, smiling, "Jeanne used to complain about how there is never enough sugar and almonds in her household for long."

"There has always been a shortage of those in Bordeux Castle, and especially so since my return from Osterlund," I laughed, as I tied up my sack and dusted my hands, relieved, "well, that brings us to the end of my packing. I would suppose this is farewell, Lord Roche."

"Not quite, Your Royal Highness," he broke into a broad grin.

"Whatever do you mean?"

"My wife has planned a small soiree this evening, attended only by our family, the Potentials, your friends and the Captains, before your departure tonight. Indeed, we would be delighted if you would grace us with your presence," he informed me sheepishly, embarrassed over the late invite.

However, I was thinking of something else. "Worry not about my attendance, Lord Roche. I will be most honoured to come. However, have you convinced your niece yet?"

I suppressed my laughter. Soirees mainly involved societal gossip disguised as polite conversation and music, and Julie lacked the patience for either.

Moreover, soirees had a dress code, and I highly doubted women were allowed to attend in their military uniforms.

Lord Roche gave me a secret smile. "We are having a special guest this evening, Your Royal Highness," he confided, "and Julie is good friends with her. She has consented to attend for this guest, because they have not seen each other in years."

Despite my will, I was curious. "Who is this guest, Lord Roche?"

"You will see for yourself soon, son. You will see."


"Would you like some more wine, Sire?" Lady Rosanna approached me, gesturing to the refreshment table.

I gave her a tight, close-lipped smile, and shook my head.

Ever since I had witnessed this pleasant mask of hers worn down to reveal the ugliness beneath, I could not remain as attached to her as I once was. Indeed, I was still wondering why she had given Julie such a cruel dressing down at the Ball on Monday, but I did not dare ask Julie for fear of upsetting her.

I doubted she would tell me, in any case.

However, I was more curious about other matters at the moment. "Do you know who this special guest is?" I turned towards Evoric and Ned now, who standing next to me.

They exchanged excited glances. "We do."

"And the guest is..." I prompted them.

"We are not telling you," Ned smirked.

"Indeed, where is the amusement in that?" Evoric pretended to frown.

"Beasts," I backhanded them both on their stomachs, annoyed, "why is it such a secret? Most importantly, why does everyone know about it except me?"

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