Epilogue: Another Beginning

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Lady Therese De Beauharnais of Roche

4 February, Year 31 of King Frederick V of Monrique's reign

Bordeux Castle, Bordeux


I felt as if I had already lived through this day once before, and I was living through it all over again.

In a way, nothing had changed. The tapestries on the walls were the same. The portraits that hung on them were still in their positions as they were before. The people who were crowded along both sides of the red carpet were also a similar sight from before. Even the place where Mama, Clara and I currently stood - a few steps away from the dais - was the very same spot we had stood the last time.

However, today could not be more different from the past.

"Must we attend that harlot's ceremony and be further insulted?" Mama hissed beside me just then, her sapphire eyes so like my own burning with suppressed rage and injustice.

"Mama!" Clara interrupted, appalled, furtively looking around to see if anyone had heard.

However, Mama had not finished. " - there is enough gossip circulating about you having lost the Crown Prince to that harlot, and yet you insist on staying here to show her your support - "

I tuned out her words at once, not for the first time in the last two months.

However, at the moment, I did not consciously make the choice to cease hearing what Mama had to say. Truth be told, my mind was very much disturbed, occupied and bothered with something else.

Someone, in fact.

Lord Raymond Fourier, Earl of Testalt had not stopped staring at me since the moment I had entered this room.

"Announcing Commander General Van Helsing of the Monriquan Armed Forces, Lady Knight of Monrique!" the herald cried, as the double doors flung open.

Almost at once, there was pin drop silence in the throne room.

Jules was greeted with much pride and approval by all those present with the exception of my mother, as she paused on the threshold, supported by the waist by her brother, Max.

A young woman of small stature, she was dressed in plain black military attire, her shoulders laden with heavy medals of all sizes, shining brightly in the chandelier light.

With her hair tucked under a black beret, her small heart shaped face void of all emotion, and her right hand placed lightly over the hilt of her sword hanging by its belt on her waist, she was a formidable figure to behold.

Her eyes, however, were quick to seek out those of my Uncle Henri's on the dais next to the King to earn his silent approval, before they flitted to those of the Crown Prince's on his right.

Her lips pulled up in a small smile ever so slightly, that it was almost unnoticeable.

Even from where I stood, I could see a significant glance, one that lasted barely more than a second, pass between them, filled with complete understanding, and a love so strong that it needed no words to convey or comprehend.

I continued to gaze between them, musing. Love was an emotion that I never fully understood, nor did I bother to understand in all of my two and twenty years. It brought about nothing but pain, and I did not want to do anything with it.

However, until the Crown Prince had begun to court Jules, I had truly not known how much love could change a person. Until he had begun to court her, I had never seen my cousin sister, solemn, bad-tempered, staunchly duty-bound Jules, smile and laugh so often.

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