Chapter XL: Suns and Sieges

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Prince Nicholas

"Nick! Wake up!" someone shook me roughly by the shoulder.

I turned away, not bothering to open my eyes. Anyone who knew me well enough to dare shake my shoulders thus would know that I hated being woken up so early in the morning.

"Five more minutes," I mumbled groggily, going back to sleep.

Almost the moment after the words left my lips, I was doused with ice-cold water!

I sat upright, shocked, as the first rays of the Sun shone sharply into my eyes without warning. That was when I realised that this was neither my bedchamber in Anchorvale Manor, nor my home in Bordeux.

What was I still doing here in the Silver Lagoon?

"Rise and shine, birthday boy," a sarcastic voice spoke to my left, "we need to return to the Manor now, if you please."

Julie stood over me with one hand on her hip, and the other holding a basket dripping with water, looking frighteningly murderous for such a petite woman.

"What the hell, Julie?" I spluttered and scowled, running a hand through my wet hair, "why did you wake me up?" I grew furious.

Her own fury reached a peak at that. "Well, you wanted to take a small nap for a few minutes here last night after the celebrations ended," she glared ferociously at me, "you seemed extremely exhausted, so I took pity on you and allowed it. But your few minutes turned into hours and 'tis already dawn! The Captains and I did not have a wink of sleep last night guarding you in this freezing cold - "

My anger dissipated at once, leaving behind shame and guilt. "Julie - "

" - and I kept trying and trying to wake you up for hours, but what did you do? You slept on, as if it was nobody's business - "

"I am sorry, I am sorry," I apologised, as I stood up to face her, "I swear, I did not mean to."

She continued to glare at me, the fire in her eyes ready to reduce me to ashes.

"Calm down, Julie," I held up my hands in surrender, "you look ready to gouge my eyes out."

She huffed, casting the basket aside. "I might as well, if it means you will never fall asleep again," she muttered, "come, let us return to the Manor." She was about to walk away, when I caught hold of her hand.

"Yes?" her golden curls almost whipped me in the face, when she turned around to bark at me.

"Will you not wish me a happy birthday?" I fought a smile.

She merely scowled at me for an answer.

"Someone seems to be rather grumpy this morning, eh?" I jested, before, "in any case, thank you so much for arranging the celebrations last evening, Julie. I truly enjoyed myself, and I am certain Richard did too." I grinned sincerely.

Her glare faltered very, very slightly. "You are welcome," she nodded curtly, and turned to walk away once more, before I fluidly pulled her back again against me, slipping my arms around her waist from behind.

She gasped in surprise, as the entire column of her neck turned bright red, much to my amusement.

"Nick, release me," she muttered, struggling.

The opportunity was too good to miss. "Why, are you uncomfortable?" I taunted.

She stopped moving, much too prideful for her own good. "Nay, I am not."

But the blush on her cheeks remained, as she stared straight ahead.

"Good," I chuckled, gazing up to watch the sunrise as I often had in the past, in this very place.

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