Chapter 2: New Town

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Darcy’s POV:

Argh my parents are so frustrating sometimes. Why can’t they just pick a city to live and stay there!! This is what I hate most, moving and making new friends. I sometimes wonder to myself whether or not its worth making new friends and I just end up moving again a couple of months later. This time I made them promise me that we won’t move again but I doubt they will keep their promise.

I woke up and finished packing up the last few things from my room and I went to help my dad pack the car as my younger sister won’t even lift a finger. She doesn’t realise how easy she has it. She can make friends in a blink of an eye and is cute so everyone wants to be friends with her. But I am just the person that everyone choses to ignore. I have always hoped that I would be able to find a nice girlfriend and settle down but life never works out how you would like it to.

We are now on the road heading towards a place called Mt Barker. From my research it seems a little boring and I hope that I find some nice friends. This time things are going be different and I will be popular. What to know why I know that things will be different? Because I am going to change myself to become one of those jocks because I’m sick of life how it is now and this is a chance to start new. I hope this works.

When we arrived I helped dad unload the car and I decided to go for a walk around the neighbourhood. I saw some guys who looked like jocks and as soon as they saw me they said, “Oi, your new around here right?” I was confused with why they were talking to me but I replied, “Yeah, I am. My name is Darcy.” The jocks then introduced themselves. There was Mitch, Alexis, Cory and the head jock, Nolan. They seemed to be pretty cool and the next thing I know, they are inviting me to a party that night. I wanted to decline but I also wanted to fit in, so I said, “Sure, also since I just moved here, is it cool if someone gives me a lift?” They laughed at me but then Nolan said, “Sure, where do you live?” I smiled and told him my address. He said, “Be ready at 6 and if you aren’t ready then I’m leaving without you. Also you should put some nicer clothes on if you want to get laid.” All of the jocks laughed at this and I joined in. I can’t believe that I finally made some friends and they seem to be pretty cool.

I went home to talk to my parents about the party. Mum being herself, worried. She said, “Why would you want to go? You only just meet them. Are you sure it’s safe?” I sighed because mum would never understand. I then shot my sister a glance to try to get her to help me but she just smiled and shook her head. I sighed again because I never thought that my dad would stand up for me but surprisingly he did. He said, “Common now dear, Darcy has finally made some friends, be happy for him and let him go. What’s the worst that could happen?” I looked at my dad shocked and he mouthed the words ‘I’ll explain later’. I nodded and turned my attention back to my mum. She listened to what my dad had to say and said that I could. I fist pumped the air and then thanked the both off them and walked off to my new room.

Later I went and talked to dad. He said, “Son, I know I haven’t been the best father to you and I’m trying to improve but I just want one thing in return from you.” I looked at him with disbelief and I can’t believe what I just heard. I then realised he was waiting for an answer, so I said, “What is that one thing you would like me to do?” He said, “Play football. Now I know you have never played before but I have faith that with some extra coaching from me that you could become the best player ever in history.” I sighed. I don’t want to play football but I guess it would help me get in with the other jocks… “I agree.” The biggest smile I have ever seen spread across his face.


Hey guys, I hope you like this chapter and I forgot to say in my previous chapter that I'm sorry that the chapters are so short. I

just prefer to write short chapters but I am willing to try to write longer ones if you wish.

Can you please vote and comment on my story!!

It would mean a lot to me if you did as this is my first story and I'm trying my hardest to try to create a good story and I really hope that this story goes well.

Also if you have any ideas just comment because if they work, I'll include them in my story.

Comment if I have grammatical errors.

This is a POV from the famous Darcy that I will slowly teach you more and more about and the party scene will be in the next chapter as I thought this was a good spot to end the chapter.

Please support me as I'm incredibly nervous as this is my very first story :)

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