Chatper 5- What's my age again?

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Abbey’s POV:

Argh! Another day of horrible bullying. I just wish I were able to make a friend so I didn’t have to face it alone. Darcy is sweet but I can tell already that he will become one of the jocks and I’ll just be left to the side with a broken heart after. I do not need more excuses to cry about. I hoped into the shower and turned my iPod on shuffle. What’s my age again came on by blink 182.

I took her out.

It was Friday night

I wore cologne to get the feeling right

We started making out, and she took off my pants

But then I turned on the TV

And that’s about the time she walked away from me

Nobody likes you when you’re 23

And are still more amused by TV shows

What the hell is ADD?

My friends say I should act my age

What’s my age again?

What’s my age again?

Then later on, on the drive home

I called her mom from a pay phone

I said I was the cops, and your husband’s in jail

This state looks down on sodomy

And that’s about the time that b**ch hung up on me

Nobody likes you when you’re 23

And are still more amused by prank phone calls

What the hell is Call ID?

My friends say I should act my age

What’s my age again?

What’s my age again?

And that’s about the time she walked away from me

Nobody likes you when you’re 23

And you still act like you’re in freshman year

What the hell is wrong with me?

My friends say I should act my age

What’s my age again?

What’s my age again?

That’s about the time that he broke up with me

No one should take themselves so seriously

With many years ahead to fall in line

Why would you wish that on me?

I never wanna act my age

What’s my age again?

What’s my age again?

What’s my age again?

After the song ended I went and got changed into my baggy, light coloured jeans with a navy blue sweater. I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a nut bar before heading off to school. I just hope I can avoid the jocks but knowing my luck I won’t be able to.

When I arrived at school I quickly walked to my locker to get what I needed then I headed to my first class, which happened to be English. I’m so excited for English as we are learning about poetry and I love poetry. When I arrived I saw Darcy sitting next to my seat again. Can’t he just understand that it’s not good to sit next to me because he will become a social reject like me. But still, he is really sweet and cute. Maybe I could give it a shot but I’m not sure how much more my heart could cope with after last year. I can’t believe he did that to me. After everything we went through he still chose popularity over me. No, stop thinking about it or you will end up in tears.

As I sat down Darcy turned to look at me and I must off had a sad look on my face because he asked me, “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you ok?”

“I’m fine, please just leave me alone. I don’t want to be hurt again.”

“But I-“ He was then cut off by Olivia who started to flirt with him. As soon as that happened I ran out of the classroom. The first guy I’ve been able to crush on since Joel.

No, stop! You are going to make yourself feel depressed, I thought to myself.

After I managed to stop the tears, I decided to head to gym. Man, I hate gym because the jocks always push me over and make fun of me. Maybe I should just go home. No I can’t let them get to me. They won’t win.

When I entered gym, the jocks immediately start laughing at me. All I wonder is what its about this time. Then Cory came up to me and said, “So you have a crush on Darcy huh? Well let me tell you that he wouldn’t go for a pathetic nerd like you but instead would much rather someone hot like Olivia. So just leave him alone and stop bringing him down to your level.” Just then a red-faced Darcy walks in.

Darcy said to me, “I would never want you.” Then while the others were laughing whispered to me, “Meet me at the park at 5pm tonight.”

I walked off to get started on the warm up laps coach assigned us. As I was on my last lap, I wasn’t even out of breath and then Nolan tripped me. I picked myself up and just continued the gym lesson. While I was running I kept thinking, should I go to meet with Darcy? Will he just hurt me like Joel?

I decided that if I went to the park like Darcy wanted then I would get hurt so I didn’t go. I went home after school and finished my homework. I hope that by deciding not to go was for the better and that he doesn’t bully me. All well its only one more jock, I can deal with that.

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