Chapter 3- The New Guy

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Abbey’s POV:

I woke up this morning and prepared myself for another day of teasing and mocking. I wish that I could just get a fresh start but that will never happen to me. I will never be able to escape my past and present.

I had a shower, picked out my usual nerdy clothes and put my hair into an ordinary ponytail like I do everyday. My mum asked me if I had time for breakfast and I politely declined as I hate being forced into conversations with my mum about clothes, make up and boys. She really does not understand me.

As I was walking into to school all I could hear was these girls gossip about this new jock that was smoking hot. I chose to ignore them, as I do not want to be teased by yet another jock. I wondered who they were talking about but then I thought, who cares? They are only going to tease you like the rest of the jocks and cheerleaders at this school.

I sighed and forced myself to go to my locker and then sit in my usual spot ten minutes before class starts, but when I went to sit in MY SEAT, a new cute boy was sitting in MY SEAT. I asked him, “Who are you and why are you in class so early?” I had a million questions to ask him but I thought this would be a good start. He replied, “I’m Darcy and I just moved here from Brisbane. I’m here early because I care about my grades, so who are you?” I was shocked by his reply. No one else besides me wants to sit at the front in class and arrive ten minutes early. I said, “I am Abbey. Also would you mind moving as that is my spot and no one wants to sit at the front besides me because no one else cares about a good education. Also you look like the jock type and they sit are the very back so I suggest you go and join them before they see you talking to the likes of me.” He replied, “Abbey is a cool name. I’ll move but I’m still going to sit in the front row with you as I care about getting a good education. Why would the jocks care if they see me talking to you?” I sighed at his question. I was about to reply when the bell went and the jocks started to file in. I sat down in my usual seat, opened my books and went to ignore Darcy for his own good.

I noticed that the jocks kept on telling Darcy to join them at the back but he just ignored them. There is something about this guy that is different but I don’t know what and nothing annoys me more than not knowing something. Mr Jones walked in and started to talk about physics. I took down notes like I usually do and answered questions, but to my surprise that was exactly what Darcy was doing as well. I felt like asking him why he was like this but I don’t want him to be dragged down to the dumps with me.

As I was walking to my next class I felt someone pulling of my arm, I turned around to find Darcy standing there waiting for me to stop so that he could talk to me. I turned around and snapped at him, “Just leave me alone.” He looked shocked but said, “Why? What’s going to happen if I don’t? What will the jocks do to me?” I snapped back at him, “They will make your life a living hell, now please just leave me the hell alone!” I walked off frustrated to my maths class. I sat in my usual seat and guess who sat next to me?

Darcy did, of course.

I was ready to shot myself. I ignored him and the rest of the day went pretty well besides the fact that he’s in every single one of my classes and sat next to me every time. Then after school the jocks approached me and Darcy was among them. I thought great now they are going to have a massive go at me when I thought I could escape without it for the day.

Nolan broke the ice and said, “Now Abbey, as you can see Darcy is new here and you don’t want him to become a nerd like you do you?” I shook my head in response. Cody was the next to speak up, “Good, so leave him alone as he is cool and a jock where as you are a nerd and a loser which is why you have no friends.” They all laughed, even Darcy. I felt tears spring up and I ran off to the toilets, as I needed to sort myself out before I went home to my depression room.

I was crying in the toilets when I heard someone’s voice outside asking for me. It was Darcy. I ignored him and he said, “I know you’re in there so please just come out so I can talk to you face to face and help you.” I said, “Haven’t you learnt anything from them? Just leave me alone or your life will be hell like mine is already!” He said, “No, because there is something special about you and I refuse to let you become depressed over some idiots.” I was shocked by my response, “I am already f***ing depressed and I’ve already told you too much. I don’t need your pity or help, so leave me the f**k alone.” I heard him sigh and walk away.

Once I was sure he was gone, I went to my car and drove home. I went straight to my room to cry over today’s events. God, I hate my life sometimes. I honestly wish I could just end it now!

The day I meet DarcyWhere stories live. Discover now