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By the time Troye woke up it was almost evening. Jacob was laying beside him on his laptop, watching Netflix with his headphones in. He didn't realize Troye was awake until he felt the neko nuzzling him with his nose, purring becoming quite loud as Troye cuddled closer to him. He paused his show and looked down at Troye who peered back up with one eye. "Good morning Kitty," he said with a smile. "How are you?"

Troye shrugged tiredly. "I'm cold."

Jacob frowned. It was pretty hot in the house and Troye was under a bunch of blankets, not to mention he was basically climbing on top of Jacob as he cuddled. "Maybe you have a fever?"

Troye had never gotten sick before. The worst he had was a tickle in his throat. "I-I dunno. Sir, I don't wanna b-be sick!"

"And I don't want you to be sick either baby. Let's check your temperature..." Sure enough, Troye was burning up. A fever of 101 degrees fahrenheit; much too high. His normal body temperature was that of a human: around 96 degrees.

"I know you're cold but we've gotta get you cooled down," Jacob explained as he pulled most of the blankets off of Troye, leaving him with only the sheet. Troye whimpered but it was cut off by a loud bout of coughing.

"Ow," he muttered when he was able to stop the coughs. He looked up at Jacob, bottom lip quivering and tears visible in his bright blue eyes. "My throat hurts," he said in a whiny voice.

"I'll go get you some soup and some medicine, okay? We don't need to get up today, it's already late."

Troye just nodded, watching Jacob go before burying his face in the man's pillow and breathing in his scent. He was almost asleep again when Jacob came back, chicken noodle soup in one hand and cold medicine in the other. "Take this Honey, it'll help your cough and get rid of your fever."

Troye nodded and obediently swallowed the bitter liquid, scrunching up his nose at the taste. Jacob chuckled and handed him the soup once his back was propped against the headboard of the bed. He practically guzzled down the soup, eyes already looking brighter than before. "I really like that, Sir! Thank you!"

"You're welcome, Kitty."


"Yes Kitty?"

Troye looked at the blankets, stroking at his tail like he always did when he was nervous. "A-are you gonna keep me?" he asked quietly, scared that Jacob would say no, say that he would have to go back to Connor or say that he was looking for a different master.

"Of course I am Kitty! That is if you want me to, of course?"

Troye nodded excitedly, jumping up on all fours fast enough to make his head spin. He shook his head, eyes wide again before giggling and waving his tail excitedly. "So you're my master now? You're my daddy?"

Jacob chuckled and nodded. "If you want be to be."

"Oh I do!" Troye exclaimed, eyes wide and excited as he nuzzled at Jacob's cheek excitedly. "Thank you Daddy!"

Jacob grinned widely at the title he had been given, pulling Troye into his lap. He ran his thumbs along Troye's cheek bones, looking at the way the neko's blue eyes shone excitedly.

"Can I kiss you, Kitty?"

"I'm sick though Daddy! I wouldn't want you to get sick!"

"That's okay, come here and kiss your daddy."

Troye nodded shyly. He had never been kissed on the lips before, the most had been forehead kisses and him kissing Jacob's neck the first night they had met. Jacob smiled at him as he gently pulled Troye towards him and their lips touched, lightly at first. Troye started kissing back though as their lips moved gently together, his heart fluttering as it went on.

By the time they disconnected their lips Troye was smiling widely, a light blush coating his cheeks. "That was my first kiss," he said matter-of-factly. "Thank you Daddy, I liked it a lot!"

"That's a good thing Kitty," Jacob said, heart melting at Troye's excitement. "How about we watch TV and rest now. I want you to get better."

"Okay Daddy," Troye said happily, climbing off Jacob's lap and cuddling up to his side so Jacob's arm was around him pulling him close. They spent the rest of the day relaxing and watching Chicago Fire (despite the fact that Troye constantly hid his eyes as it was too scary in his opinion).

Troye's purrs practically shook his body as he went to sleep, sighing sweetly.


This is short but it works so

i need food



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