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I washed and got dressed in the clothes that Maggie gave me and I make my way back to the cell block looking around as I tried and remembered my way back.

I get back to the cell that I was originally in seeing that my bag was in there but I quickly realised that the cell wasn't empty before I was there,  I see clothes folded up along with a baby's crib in the corner.

I look through my bag searching for my knife and gun but I couldn't find it and fear over took me as if anything was to happen I couldn't protect myself

I walk outside the cell looking around seeing Hershel walking in the cell block

"Hershel" I called out to him, he makes his way over to me and I meet him half way wrapping my arms around my body

"When I arrived here I had a pistol and a knife, there missing I want them back" I said firmly

"You will need to see Rick" Hershel said to me, I nodded my head going to walk off stopping turning around "I want to thank you for helping me"

"I did nothing Quinn, You need to thank Rick, his the one who brought you here, I've not seen him like this in a long time"

"Like what?" I asked him folding my arms

"You should talk to Rick about everything, his been through a lot these last few months" Hershel said to me not really letting much information slip through his lips "but I will say that he sat with you most the night you was out"

I looked at Hershel a little confused before nodding my head going to walk away "the field" Hershel called out to me

"What?" I said looking over my shoulder "Rick, he was outside on the field"

I smile walking away in search for Rick.

I walk outside my eyes scan the prison field and I didn't see Rick, I noticed people by the fences I quickly see Maggie and three other people taking walkers down through the fences.

I recognised one of them to be Rick, I start walking that way passing some of the people who was coming back from the fences as they had blood stained hands from taking down the walkers.

I get to the fences and I walk on the far side of the fence keeping my distance from the snarling walkers on the opposite side of the fence.

Maggie notices me and stopped popping the walkers through the fence walking over to me "everything okay?" She asked me I looked over her shoulder to Rick

"Yeah I just need a quick word with Rick" I said, Rick stopped what he was doing hearing his name and walks my way

"You alright?" Rick asked me as he stopped in front of me

"Hershel said I could find you here" I said hooking my thumbs in the belt loops of my jeans "my pistol and knife is missing, I want them back" I said firmly looking Rick in his blue eyes that was shining in the sunlight.

"You will get them back soon" Rick said looking to the fences with the walkers behind it.

"I want them back now, there not yours there mine! That gun was my boyfriends! You have no right over that gun, how can I protect myself if I don't have my knife!"

"Quinn, your safe here, you don't need to protect yourself. I will give them back to you when"

"When? When you can trust me? When you think I won't be a danger to you and the others?"

I looked Rick in the eyes he didn't say anything but his facial expression said it all especially when he looked down avoiding eye contact with me.

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