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I jog across the street in the direction I saw Elle run off in only to hear snarling coming from a certain direction I stop dead leaning against the wall hearing walkers, I peer down the ally seeing a massive herd of walkers all standing down there.

I took a deep breath quickly and quietly skipping past hoping there didn't catch a glimpse of me at all, thankfully they didn't and I jog in the direction Elle run off in.

I stopped breathing heavily wondering where Elle had disappeared to as there was no sign of her at all, I turn around going to give up when I heard a sound from inside a building.

I pull out my gun clicking the safety off climbing the stairs to the broken door, I push the door open aiming my gun as I went in the door shuts behind me making me jump I spin around seeing Elle looking at me.

"It is you" she said looking me over "I thought it was but I didn't recognise the guy you was with"

"I knew it was you instantly" I said putting my gun in the back of my jeans stepping forward pulling her into a hug

"Please tell me my brothers alive?" Elle said over my shoulder causing my heart to freeze

I pulled away looking at her holding in the tears as I shook my head "Calvin he he" I shook my head "I'm sorry"

Elle looks at me before looking down covering her face before looking up at me swallowing hard
"You can't be here, if they see you they will flip out, they will kill you"

"Elle just come with me, Rick and I will take you back with us" I said grabbing her arm pulling her to the door

"No" she said taking her arm out of my slight grip "you need to go"

"I'm not leaving you, your sixteen, also I'm your family"

"I've done fine on my own for months, since my parents died"

"You don't have to be on your own I'm family" I reminded her

"Just go Quinn before they find you here" Elle said pushing me to the door

Just them the door opened and I felt a hard impact on my head I fell to my knees then into blackness.

I wake up hearing chatting I laid on the floor quickly noticing a headache from being hit on the head.

I sit up looking around seeing a group of four men and woman along with Elle all sitting there

"Oh looks who's awake to join our party" one of the men said walking over shoving a bottle of whiskey under my nose

"I will pass" I muttered looking up at him

"How about something stronger?" He asked I looked at him confused then realised he meant drugs as I watched the woman inject herself

"No I think I will pass" I said standing up looking the guy in the eyes "look I'm just here for Elle" I said to him waving Elle over to me "so I'm gonna take her and be on my way, my friends waiting for me"

The guy laughs at me shaking his head at me "she's just here for the girl" I frowned at him as I watch him pace in front of me "your not here for the girl, your here for our stash"

"Your stash?" I asked him confused looking at Elle for help

"Yeah our stash!" He shouted at me, I quickly realised he meant drugs and I burst out laughing at them all.

"Oh god are you serious, you are seriously that fucked up. People are dying out there the worlds gone to shit and your thinking I'm here to steal your drugs?! I just want Elle that's it"

"Lier!" This guy said to me stepping forward pulling a knife out pushing it against my neck

"Tate" The woman slurred laying there on the floor the other three men get up walking our way

"No Tess, she's here for everything because this little whorebag that you took in told her where to find it"

I watch one of the men grab Elle pulling her towards him holding her tightly as fear filled her eyes.

"Benson Will, pack up we are leaving" Tate ordered I watched them leave the room we was in hearing moving around sounding like they was heading up stairs.

Tate moves the knife from my neck looking me in the eyes before walking over to Tess who was out for the count on the floor.

I quickly remembered my gun was tucked in the back of my jeans and was still there, these guys clearly was so drugged up there didn't know what there was doing.

I pulled my gun aiming it at the man who was holding on to Elle
"Give me her or I will shoot you" I ordered him

The look of panic fills his face and Tate looks round seeing me standing there gun aimed at one of his men, I aim it at Tate as he slowly moves my way hands up.

Tate grabs Elle from his man pushing the knife to her neck
"Let her go now!" I demanded pointing my gun at his head

"Or what?" Tate laughed

"I will put you down like a dog, and I don't care if every dead freak for miles hears"

"You haven't got it in you, your not a killer" Tate said to me

"She might not be but I am" a voice said from behind me that I quickly recognised as Rick

I turn looking seeing Rick walking in gun aimed at Tate
"You hand the girl to us or your both gonna lose" Rick said sternly to Tate

Tate shakes his head at us both as Rick and I stood there guns aimed at them
"Your bluffing" Tate said sounding a little unsure

"Am I?" Rick questioned him before aiming his gun and the guy I was aiming my gun at, Rick pulls the trigger and I watch the guy fall to the floor dead.

I step back in shock at what I witnessed but I quickly come back as I wanted Elle back

Tate stands there shocked as he looks down at the ground seeing the guy Rick had just shot blood trickled from the bullet hole in his forehead.

Tate cries out angrily stomping his foot on the floor
"Hand her over Tate" I said panicked resting my finger on the trigger of my gun

Before I could react Tate stabs Elle just above the stomach throwing her in Rick's direction, Rick dashed forward grabbing Elle catching her before she fell to the floor.

My eyes followed Tate as he makes a quick dash for the door I pull the trigger on the gun hitting Tate in the back I watched him fall to the floor just as he reached the door.

I walked over looking down on Tate as he laid there grunting in pain, I pointed my gun at his head feeling nothing but anger I pulled the trigger killing him.

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