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The automatic doors opened for me and awaited my entrance, I passed the threshold and rubbed my boots on the welcome rug. I turned the corner and looked up at my manager, I smiled and went behind the counter.

There was only a few customers in the shop so had time to prepare my little work station. Shaking my coat off I felt for my keys, nodding in acknowledgement I placed it under the counter. I ruffled up the plastic bags making it easier to grab them and pack the customers items.

I tidied any rubbish the boys had made while I wasn't here and neatened up the area ready for my shift.

"Now you've finished your little routine this is for you." I looked up at Adam and took the piece of paper from his fingers. Shaking my head I knew all too well what was on this paper. A number and name. Something I wasn't interested in.

"That's the forth guy to give you his number this month Rosie." I smiled at Adam and threw the piece of paper in the bin without even looking at who had given it to me. I shrugged while he tusked at me and served my customer.

"you know we're gonna lose customers if you don't start calling these guys. You're not doing good for our business."

I scoffed at Adams comment. I was still trying to work out if he was joking or being serious. I couldn't get a clear read on him, although having been working with him for three months he was still some what of a mystery to me. "Business? Adam we work in a bloody corner shop. We're not going to lose business." I shake my head and laughed. He was a drama queen. I knew that much.

It was a slow night, Mondays always were. Especially when it was pouring down with rain. I glanced at the clock. 22:45, only 15 minutes left and I could go home.
The best thing about working in your local shop is, it only took me 2 minutes to get home.
The downside however is, everyone knows who you are and you become 'the Nisa girl' Nisa being the shop I work in. it was like a crime that you had a life outside the shop. I would get asked regularly, "off to work?" or "what are you doing out here?"

"so when are you going to let me take you out?" I didn't bother to look up at Adam, he pretty much asked me this at least 3 times a week, and I would give him the same answer. Never. Now don't get me wrong, he was handsome, his jet black hair falling perfectly over his head, and his puppy dog brown eyes could make you go all gooey inside easily. He was my height being 5'9, his tanned skin made mine look even whiter, something I didn't think was possible.
He stands closer to me making my palms sweat, his breath tickling my neck as he speaks sweet things to me. I could feel the butterflies going mad in my stomach. He knew he had an affect on me; I could hear the smirk in his words.

My eyes darted to the time 23:00! I was saved. "oh look its 11, home time" I chimed. I grabbed my coat from under the counter and rushed past Adam. "see you tomorrow" I shouted over my shoulder while leaving the shop. I could hear him laugh. Stupid head.

My phone beeped. It was from Adam. 'you will say yes one day.'

I rolled my eyes yeah in his dreams. I just wish I could make my body understand that too.
The walk was short and soggy, although it was raining it was a beautiful night. I looked up to the moon and wondered if he was to. My heart ached a little and my eyes watered. I shrugged it off.
My door come into view. A smile made is way to my lips, reminding me it wont be too long before I will get to see him again, I just need to hang in there a little longer.

My flat was little but all the same it was mine. I locked the door behind me and threw my coat to the side letting it fall to the floor. A sigh escaped my lips, taking in the scent of what I all 'home'. I waltzed into the kitchen and flicked the kettle on. While I let it boil away I readied my cup with a teabag and one teasoon of sugar. I went into my living room and put the TV on clicking through my recordings to find EastEnders. I made my tea and settled into my couch cushions letting them swallow me up making it all cosy and peaceful.

My bed awaited me. But sleep wouldn't welcome me. Instead I was paralysed, not being able to move my body, I cant talk or scream like I want too. My eyes are open to see the familiar black shadow, this time however being that little bit closer and a little bit bigger than the last time I had this. Instead of panicking – which would usually cause my body to feel more threatened and waves of unease would fall upon it, I let my mind fall to peace, I calmed myself and didn't try to fight back the 'possessive' feeling I was experiencing. Finally it let go and I was able to sit up and cuddle my knees to my chest to feel safe breathing heavily.
I have been getting this for the last 2 years since being on my own, it doesn't happen every night but when it does, I feel like all my energy has been drained. Finally I lay my head back onto the pillow and sleep welcomes me with open arms this time.

The last part is a personal experience and is known as 'sleep paralysis' it's fucking horrible. And I get it quite a lot. Anyways hope you enjoyed the first chappy (:

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