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Date night and I'm absolutely shitting it. I didn't bother to text Mike because I would have seen during the week for swimming anyways, so I made plans face to face. That way I could get a read on him too, you'know make sure it's not some kind of joke.

We, meaning him decided we should just go out for a meal, something simple and to put it bluntly, cheap. It didn't bother me that he didn't want to spend much money, I'm nothing special and I guess I'm just something to pass the time with.

Anyways I'm supposed to be meeting him in 40 minutes down town. He's going to take me to a bar/grill place. It's a bit better than high street value but no where near as fancy up in London.
Regardless with how this is just a causal thing, I'm still fucking shitting it.

I look over at my sleeveless black shirt, skinny black jeans and sparkly doc martens. My hair up in a bun to give it a bit of a 'mature' look with little strands of hair pulled out from either side.
I didn't look over dressed nor slobbish so I guess that's a great thing.
Adding the wings to my eyeliner I feel complete.
I head for the bus stop and hope my nerves bugga off before I arrive.


"Rosie, you look lovely." He glides his hand around my waist and takes me into the 'restaurant'.
We took our seats, and a waitress gave us our menus.
Why oh why did I think this was a good idea!? Eating in front of my swim coach was an awful idea. And why did he think it was a good idea to sit by the window where anyone can look in and see me eat. I started to feel sick.

"Can I get you some drinks while you decide over what you would like for your food?"

I knew that voice all too well, I look up and see our waiter is in fact Harley. I'm done.

I go to open my mouth but Mike cuts in before I can speak.
"We'll just have some water for now." He looks at me with a smile. "If that's okay with you Rosie." And again.
Harley now knows my name - well my new name. I give a small nod and wait for Harley to disappear. He doesn't until I look up into his sea blue eyes. He has a stern look on his face but doesn't say anything, just walks away.

I knew this was a bad idea. I think he knows I'm not a lesbian now.

We decided to go for the mixed grill plater, that way we could just go family style and share. Plus I wouldn't have to eat very much.
I was getting anxious, waiting for Harley to come back and take our orders. Would he say anything? Would he question me? God he looks hot in a shirt. !!! Stop fucking thinking Rosie.

"Rosie?" I look up at Mike, oh god he was talking and I wasn't even listening.
"Sorry Mike." I hang my head in shame. This is going terrible.
He giggles catching my attention "you don't get out much do you?" He looks so sweet. He was wearing a dark blue pair of jeans and a black shirt, nothing fancy but flattering at the same time.

I smiled and shake my head. I feel like I've lost my voice.
"It's okay, how about you tell me abit about you."

"You know enough. I was fat. You helped me with swimming. I'm thin-er now." I shrug. "Not much more to tell Mike."

He strokes his chin with his finger and thumb. "Family? Where are they?"
I shrug again "around"

"Uh-huh. You live with them or-"

"Alone. I live alone."

"Any siblings?"

"No" I really didn't want to talk about myself anymore.

"So Mike, what made you become a life guard/ swim coach?"

"Oh. Well that's simple. I just love to help damsels in distress and all." He smirks and I smile back.

"You guys ready to order?" I don't say anything and wait for Mike to order for us, like he did with the drinks. But he doesn't say anything.
I look at Mike who is looking at Harley, so I look at Harley who is looking at me. I gulp. His gaze was intense, I was falling into those eyes again.

Looking into his eyes, I knew I had fallen for my best friend. It was an accident. We were 10 and playing out in the streets on our scooters.
We lived on the same road, me being at the bottom and him in the middle. We become friends at the age of 5 due to our mums becoming friends.

He always treated me so nice, he also knew my mum was abit of a drinker so would help me escape her when my dad wasn't around.

I had fallen off my scooter and Harley was already by my side putting a plaster on my knee. Once it was applied he kissed it and said it was a magic seal and will make it all better.
I giggled and he helped me up.


I was back into his eyes. My heart started to ache and my jaw threatened to tremble.
I can't do this. How am I ever suppose to move on if he's around.

"Rosie?" Mike was looking abit awkward. I smile; a sad one.
"I'm sorry I can't do this." My voice quivering, I get up from my seat and run out on my date, not even looking back to see what Harley's reaction was either.

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