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Before I could walk out of this job, one I actually really needed and feel so stupid for throwing a tantrum Adam had put the door shutters down so I couldn't leave.

"Adam! Let me out now! Customers are waiting to come in!" I stomped my foot. There's no way I couldn't not quit now I said it, I would look even more stupid.

"Then go back behind that counter and don't say you'll quit again Rosie!" His breathing heavily from trying to control his temper. I can see the vein in his forehead trying not to pop out.

"I can leave whenever I want! I don't even have a contract with you guys." I fold my arms across my chest feeling smug.
It's true when I started this job they never divided up a contract for me, therefore technically I can leave without giving notice and they can fire me whenever they please. It was a risk taking this job but when one is desperate she's gonna take what she can.

"Then let's make a contract for you." His tone more serious than angry now.
"I don't want to lose- , I mean we love having you working with us, and the customers adore you. Please don't quit on us Rosie." His pleading eyes blaring into mine.

I move around him opening the door to the counter, shutting it behind me and taking my place in front of my till. I nod to confirm a contract is the deal breaker.
He lets out a breath before pushing the button the remote to let the shutters up.
He smirks at me before heading to the back room.

"Adam." I call before he can completely leave my view. He looks at me waiting. "You're going to need the dustpan and brush, there's flour everywhere." I laugh at his scolding expression.

"God damn it Rosie, why are you so clumsy!" I laugh at his outburst and hold my hands up in surrender, then point to the customer coming up to me till and mouth 'busy, sorry not sorry.' With a cheeky grin I resume back to my work and apologise to the waiting customers for the eclectic fault we just experienced resulting into the shutters closing.

A few days had past and Harley had been in nearly all of them. This irritated me more than I would let it show.
As soon as he would head for my till I would quickly make an excuse that I needed the toilet or I needed to grab a drink. Trying to avoid him at all costs.

But today, well today he caught me off guard. I was zoning out thinking about what I would wear for my date on Saturday when he appeared in front of me with his charming smile.
The butterflies were trying to escape my stomach. I silently cursed my hormones and his good looks.

I stood there patiently waiting for him to ask for whatever he wanted as he didn't bring anything to the counter.
I raised my right eyebrow while he raised his left.
Neither of us were going to give in.
I could feel the stares of other waiting customers so eventually I had to let him win.
"How can I help you" I say begrudgingly through clenched teeth.
He smiled triumphal knowing I had lost the battle.
"3 packs of 10 sterling superkings please love."
I nod and grumble while retrieving his cigarettes.
"That will be £12.45 all together please."

He hands me a £20 note and I give him his change.
He smiles one more time knowing he has an affect on me from my flushed cheeks.
"See you tomorrow darling." I scoff and furrow my brows causing him to laugh.

"Why do you have to come back" I whisper sadly to myself before serving the next customer.

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