Break Up

751 16 10

Summary - Phil has just broke up with his girlfriend

Warnings - Slight swearing

Words -583

Pov - Dan's


"So let's not worry bout ta mar mar nah nah nah nah we are good baby we al-" I stopped as I heard the door slam open hitting the wall and I heard loud footsteps an muffled crying

"Phil?" I called

I heard him slam his bedroom door and lock it

I ran outside of his room

"Phil!" I shouted as I heard him crying I tried to open the door but it was locked

"Phil open up!" I shouted as I heard him crying still

I didn't know where we was been he just said he was going out maybe to see his girlfriend

I walked away from Phil's room and downstairs and closed the front door and went up to the office looking for a paper clip which I found easily enough and decided to do that thing they do in movies when they unlock the door with a paper clip

I sat infront of Phil's door here I heard him crying lots

I fiddled with the lock until I finally unlocked the door and walked in quietly

Phil was crying lots now shaking with sobs

I didn't say anything I just walked over and sat on Phil's bed and moved next to him and lay next to him wrapping my arms around him as he cried into me

"Shh shh calm down" I whispered to him

He started to calm down

"What's wrong Philly?" I said

"Lolo dumped me" he cried

"And I didn't even like her that much the fact she FUCKING FORGOT ABOUT ME IN TWO DAYS!" He shouted

"Am I only worth two fucking days!" He said before bursting into tears again

"No your worth the whole world Phil" I said as he cuddled into me

"Do you want some ice cream or want to watch a movie?"

"Yeah" Phil said as I picked him up and he relaxed in my arms as I walked into the living room and I lay him down an grabbed some ice cream

Phil chose the lion king and we settled down to watch the movie as Phil clung to me

"Am I really worth only two days" Phil said

"No your worth the entire universe Phil she's a bitch for not seeing how amazing you are"

Phil smiled at me and I just watched to kiss him but that would be weird for him

I wrapped my arms around him and snuggled into Phil as he held me close

I loved when we were like this

Phil snuggled into me as we lay cuddled together

"Your comfortable Philly" I mumbled into him

I looked up at him and realised he was already looking at me

I realised he was leaning towards me and my heart soared as I leaned forwards too

His lips met mine and they were soft and cool as he kissed softly as Phil deepened the kiss as he licked me lick asking for entrance

I opened my mouth as we fought for dominance but I knew Phil was winning

We pulled apart and I opened my mouth then shut it again like a goldfish

Phil laughed kissing me again

"Wh-What?" I said confused

"I love you Dan, Lola made me realise your fucking beautiful and everything and I love you so much Dan"

I almost jumped on him

"I love you too Phil"

Agghhhhh school tomorrow
I'm nervous af

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