Christmas coffee shop

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Summary: Dan and Phil meet on Christmas Day at a small coffee shop

Warnings: Smut, slight swearing

Words: 1959

Pov: Dan's


I slammed the door walking out the house pulling my coat tighter around me as I went into the snow on Christmas Day

I couldn't stand it with my family always telling me what to do and having a go at me and telling me to go get a guy and find someone and wanted

But it wasn't that easy I wasn't exactly liked by many people

I started walking randomly as the snow got so heavy I couldn't see much and started to panic breathing heavily

"Hey! Over here!" I spun around as I heard the voice but saw nothing but snow

Someone grabbed my arm as I freaked out

"Hey calm down I'm just going to get you out of the snow" he said as I didn't believe him but followed him as I was cold and confused

We walked into a small coffee shop as the guy sat my down taking off my coat and putting a fluffy blanket around me as I was in a daze and rested my hand on the table as I had calmed down a little

I looked up as there was one guy who was making hot chocolates

"You okay?" He said coming over as I shivered pulling the blanket around me more

"Um I think" I said shivering still

He put the two hot chocolates next to me and moved across the room grabbing a thicker blanket and gave it to me as I wrapped it around me beginning to feel warmer

The guy sat next to me drinking hot chocolate

"Oh I'm Phil by the way" he said

"I'm Dan and thank you for getting me out of there I couldn't see a thing it was kinda scary" I said taking a proper look at him

Oh my god he was gorgeous, he's black hair was slightly messy and wet from the snow and he was wearing a cute Christmas jumper with the deepest blue eyes and an amazing figure too

"It's no problem, why aren't you at home for Christmas?"

"I was but my family and I don't get along to well and I left not realising it was snowing that badly, what about you?"

"My family don't like me because I'm gay and I normally go to my nans in New York but I had just brought this place and wanted to get it running which it is now" he said proudly

"Do you live here, like above here in an apartment or something?"

"Yeah I do" he said as he finished his hot chocolate

"Wanna see?"

"Yeah okay" I said as I pulled the blankets around me and followed him

"Is your family going to be worried about you?" Phil said

"Oh god yeah" I said pulling out my phone

"Hey mum" I said

"Dan where are you!? Are you okay!?"

"I'm fine I'll come home when the snow storm is over"

"Okay where are you?"

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