Ugh, PE.

421 9 12

Summary: Phil hates PE but things change when Dan decided to help him

Warnings: XXX

Words: 1403

Pov: Phil's


Ugh PE.

I hate PE so much.

There's the jocks who love PE, there's the kids who don't really care and are okay at, and then the kids who hate it and are terrible at me

Aka me.

I walked into the changing rooms as I stood in between to muscly jocks and I was stupid and skinny between them

"Right! Today were outside playing football!" Mr Scott our PE teacher announced as I groaned

I didn't have a jacket so I walked outside and immediately started shaking as I went over to my friends

They most likely went into the kids that are okay at PE group and are always in the higher group and I'm stuck with people I hate

"Right! Jake! Mason! Dylan! James! Dan! Come here!" Mr Scott yelled as they went over and they were best at football as I moved closer wanting to listen in to there conversation

"I want you guys to help guys in the lower group today" I heard him say

There was only nine of us in the lower group and we all look pretty terrified hearing this news

The jocks hated people like us and they walked over and this guy called Dan walked over to me

I hadn't really spoke to him before but I knew he was in some classes

"Wanna work with me?" He asked

"U-Uh yeah" I said kind of nervous

"It's pretty cold today" he said as we walked over to a small pitch

"Yeah i know, I hate PE and being outside" I said shivering

"Here" he said taking off his jacket with the schools tiger logo on as he put it around me as I blushed a little

"You sure?" 

"Yeah" he said as I smiled as people stared and pointed

"Right let's get started shall we?"

"Okay" I said sighing

"Well let's start easy and go scoring goals"

"That's supposed to be easy!"

"Well what do you want to do?"

"Go home"

"C'mon cheer up" he said dragging me over to a bunch of cones

"Okay so your going to dribble the ball through these cones"

"Fine" I said as I slowly dribbled the ball

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