Chapter 6

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later that night


while A.J. was taking his shower I noticed an orange composition notebook sitting opened face-down on my bed

I picked it up and read the cover

"A.J.'s Journal"  Is what it said

oh god, I'm living with someone who keeps a fucking diary


I know I should put it back as I found it but I'm just to curious

I opened it up and read the first page

I just heard the news today i'm soooo excited someone finally decided to adopt me

they told me the lady was very nice and pretty too but no one could ever replace my mom

wow what a momma's boy

they also told me she had a 16 year old son AWESOME i'll be getting a new big brother

my mom would've liked that for me to finally have someone around my age to play with she used to tell me all the time about how she wanted me to have a brother or sister of my own but with the way my dad is she was scared to birth another child and I definitely didn't want her to have one by him

still i'm super excited I've never had a big brother before I hope he likes me

I flipped to the next page


Ms. Wanda is soo nice to me it's just her freakin son Craig or Prodigy or whatever the heck his name is

he's so mean to me and I don't even know why I'm nothing but nice to him and he treats me like crap

I try to ask him why but he always finds a way to avoid answering me maybe it has something to do with over jojo is that his mom brought up the other night but still it's just not fair to me

he makes my life a living hell he's worse than my dad.... scratch that no one can be worse than my dad the things he did to me were unspeakable he...


I looked up to see A.J. standing in the doorway with a towel wrapped around his waist

"uhh nothing" I lied

"yea right why are you reading my journal?" he asked taking the book from my lap

"uh  I was curious?"

"yea right more like nosey" he said flipping through the pages

"you didn't read the stuff about my dad did'ju?"

"no...I mean I almost did but then you came..." "you said I make your life hell?"

"no I didn't"

"I read it A.J."

"you said i'm making your life hell"

"noooo I said your making my life a living hell"


"how?" "gee lemme think" "oh yea uhh you've treated me like crap since the day I walked in here and you still have yet to tell me what the fuck I've done to you!"

damn that's the first time he's ever cussed at me

"A.J. I.."

"look just forget it okay?" "I wanna go to bed"

damn I really am mean to him it's not my fault I didn't ask my mom to bring me a new foster brother and she didn't ask me if I was okay with getting one

still jojo's death isn't his fault either

god I have to make it up to him

I just don't know how yet

Brotherly Love (A.J.xProdigy)Where stories live. Discover now