Chapter 13

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2 weeks later


"prodigyyy" A.J. calls out

"yes sir" i say

"i'm borrred" he says

"so" "play on your phone"

"mooo i dont wanna play on my phone i could've stayed at the foster home for that"

i sigh and smile

"alright A.J. whaddo you wanna do?"

he gets up off the bed and goes  to the door

"you guys have a really long hallway here" he says

"yea and?" i ask

"LEAPFROG!!!!" he says excitedly

"oh my god seriously A.J.?" i laugh

"come on prodigy pweeeeease"

"uuuuugh fine"

"YAY!" he says taking my hand and pulling me into the hallway

"okay you ready?" he asks standing behind me

he takes my shoudlers and gently pushes me to my knees i duck my head down as i feel him jump over me

when he lands there's a thud noise we're both looking at each other laughing

"shhhh damnit A.J." i say

"it's not my fault it was the floor" he says

"shhh when we jump we gotta land gently"

"ok come on take your turn" he gets down on his knees and i get behind him, hold his shoulders and jump over him i catch myself to make sure i land gently

the game goes on as we continue jumping over each other now we're at the end of the hallway

"ared A.J. this last turn is yours"

"okay prod you ready?"

i hear him run up behind me  i feel his hands on my shoulders as he jumps over me then i hear a crash

i get up off the floor and see that he accidentally knocked a lamp to the floor

"BOYS" "WHAT WAS THAT?" my mom calls from downstairs

"NOTHING!" we both say at the same time then we run back to my room laughing

we walk in in my room and i shut and lock the door behind us then lay on the bed with A.J. and we continue to laugh together

eventually we both stop laughing now we're just staring at each other

A.J.'s looking into my eyes smiling i smile too but it quickly fades away

"kiss me" i say, his smile grows bigger and he brings himself closer toward me on the bed

i lean and lean and lean until finally our lips touch

this kiss feels so different from our other kisses i guess because we havent kissed since before the roof thing

this kiss is more sweet, loving and caring

eventually we both pull away i'm looking at him giving him a light smile

"I love you A.J."

"I love you too Prodigy"

2 days later

"oh my god stop!" A.J. says pushing my hand away from his ear i was rubbing in between my thumb and my index finger

"stop" he says after i try to do it a second time

"stop prodigy" he says slapping my hand down and holding it to the bed i tackle him by his stomach onto his back and begin tickling him

"oh my-go-hod" "STOP PRODIGY!!!": he screams out while laughing

after a few minutes i stop tickling him now i'm just observing his body up and down

i'm standing at end of the bed where his waist is i'm slowly lifting his shirt


"yes A.J.?"

"what are you doing?"

"oh nothing" i say dipping my head down i smile into his belly button and then

"AH" "OH-HO MY GOD!!!" he laughs while i'm blowing into his stomach

SURPRISE!!!! i'm baaaack

what? oh you guys thought all that sad i'm done with wattpad stuff was forreal?

cuz if you did i got you guys good!!!

anyway yup starting today i'm writing again so uh yea you guys know the drill

comment please

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