Chapter 17

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The next morning


"Hey" I say to A.J. as he opens his eyes

"Hey" he says tiredly

"You okay from yesterday?" I ask

"I just thought I'd never see him again" "I thought that after he went to jail and I went into foster care he'd be outta my life for good" "I guess I was wrong"

"A.J. don't worry" "you're safe now" "that dude's never gonna hurt'chu again"

"How can you be so sure prodigy?"

"Because if that mothafucka ever comes near you again" "I'll kill his ass A.J." "with my bare hands"

He's smiling lightly at me we hear some indistinct arguing coming from downstairs we both get up out of bed and head to the living room where we see my mom arguing with some strange lady

"You can't just come in here and take my son away from me" she argues

"Mom?" I call out she turns to me and A.J.

"What's going on?" A.J. asks

"Krisstenn Alexie Joseph Castillo?" The lady says

"Y-yeah?" He says nervously

"My name is Ashley Massaro I'm with los Angeles child services" "might I ask you to please come with me"

"What?" "Why?"

"Your father" "Mr. Christopher Maurice Brown" "has requested and been granted full custody of you" "please come with me"

"Prodigy?" A.J. whines looking at me

"Mom?" I say turning to her

"Just go with Ms. Massaro A.J. "

They leave out the door I look at my mom in disbelief

"WAIT!" I shout running out after them A.J. gets in the passenger seat she turns her attention to me

"Please you don't understand" "you can't let him go with his dad he won't be safe"

"Young man I understand your concern for your foster brother but Mr. Brown passed the capability test" "now whatever concerns you have about Krisstenn's safety you can take it up with the courts"

She turns back to her car and we both notice the passenger door sitting wide open

A.J.'s gone


I take off running don't ask where cuz I don't know all I know is I wanna get away from that lady no way I'm going back to my dad it's not happening

Eventually I end up in the woods I'm still running though honestly it feels like I could keep this up for days but we all know nature isn't gonna allow that

I stop at a tree standing up with my back to it panting out of breath then I feel a hand on my shoulder I jump and move away from the tree

"Danny" I say embracing him in a hug

"Danny my dad" "he found me" "he's requesting full custody"

"I know A.J." "he came to the foster home looking for you yesterday"

"Danny you know I don't wanna go with him"

"I know A.J." "that's why you're gonna come with me to the foster home we'll hide you there until we can find a safer place for you"

All of a sudden I see a knife burst out of his chest I step back in terror and he falls dead to the floor

I look up and see his killer

My dad

"Ya know A.J." "I never did like that kid" he says smiling

"Hmm" "hello son" "isn't time you and I" "caught up?"

Brotherly Love (A.J.xProdigy)Where stories live. Discover now