Your Coming (Chapter 4 part 2)

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"Now we just wait," Deamitry tells me after she gets off the phone with Kenny.

I hear the door creak open. Then Ben emerges into the small room we are in. He frowns and looks at us.

"Deamitry. I am soooo sorry," He says.

"Why are you sorry?" Deamitry says.

"You can't travel with us any longer...." Ben begins to cry.

She stands up and walks over to him.

"Ben ts just a prank. We were all in on it," She says and then smiles a smile that is a wide as the grand canyon.

He looks at her and starts to laugh.

"Wow you got me good," he says.

We all start laughing and rolling on the floor.

"Ben I don't think I've ever seen you cry like that!" I says over everyones histerical laughing.\

Ben hits me and stands up.

"Ill be back," He says.

"Okay," me and Deamitry say.

Deamkitry looks at me.

"Oh yeah, where do I sleep?"she asks.

"Well you can sleep in my bunk with or back here on the awkward couch," I tell her.

"How bout this. I there a door that closes for this room?" She asks me.

"Yes," I reply.

"Okay then hb me and you sleep together on the floor in here since we both fit in here," she offers.

"Sounds good," I say.

Eeveryone that travels on the bus comes onto the bus in a loud group. Random girls that no one knows comes on with Kenny and Sam. I pull out my phone and check the time its only 9:37 p.m. We still have 2 hours till we have to leave.As i put my phone into my pocket I stand up. I hear Deamitrys phone begin to ring as I walk away. I hear her pick it up. I close the door so she has privacy.

"Hey," I say as I walk into the frount area of the bus where everyone is.

"Hey,"Cam says.

"Me and Deamitry call the back room thats where we will be sleeping so anyone can have my bunk!" i say as everyone jumps up. "after I move out of it!" They all sit down. "Thank you."

I walk to my bunk and start filling my book bag with all of my crap. Once i get all of my stuff into the bag I open the door to where Deamitry is sitting on her phone. "Who is that?" I mouth to her. "My mom." she mouths back. I shake my head. I gently close the door and go to grab her stuff from the frount room.

When I actually look to see whose out there Ben and Sam have three girls all over them. I just shake my head and look away.

"Move," I say to the five of them. They all just look at me. "Like I said move."

They al stand up and move out of my way. I grab the three very colorful bags off the seat. Once I move out the way they throw themselfs back onto the seat. Yet again I just shake my head. I reach the door and slide it open Deamitry is just sitting there on her phone doing something.

"Hey there Beatiful," a female voice says coming from her phone.

" Hey," she says smileing.

I put down her bags and sit down in frount of her so the person on facetime doesnt see me.

"Where are you?" The female asks.

"You will never believe it," Deamitry says.

"Most likely but give it a shot," the female voice says.

"I'm touring with Asking Alexandria," Deamitry says.

"Lier," the female voice says.

"Liyah would I ever lie to you like ever?" Deamitry says.

"Yes," Liyah says. "Prove it,"

Deamitry signals me to come sit next to her.

"Is Danny proof enough," Deamitry says as i sit next to her.

"OMG YOU WEREN"T LIEING!!!" She says loudly.

"Hi," I say to the girl.

"Deamitry you are so lucky! An Hey Danny nice to finnally meet you. I'm a huge fan of Asking Alexandria," she continues going on and on.

"Okay bye Liyah I love you booo!" Deamitry says as she hangs up on Facetime.

"Wow she has alot to say," I say to Deamitry.

"Well that is Liyah," Deamitry says laughing.

I hear Kenny get on the bus telling the girls its time to go. Then I hear his heavy foot steps coming to the back room where we are. He slides open the door and comes in and sits on the awkward couch.

"Dude I'm traveling with you guys now that you obviously have and empty bunk," Kenny tells me.

"Sounds good Dude," I reply. " You gotta tell the others on your own though.

"Oh believe me I will," He stands up and goes to walk out."Good job Deamitry," He says as he slide the door shut for us.

I hear the bus start and we pull off. I stand up and hit the light sitch to shut off the bright lights above us. An I go and sit down next to her.

"I'm exhausted," she says. "So much singing."

Deamitry pulls over the rainbow panda bag and pulls out her pillows and blanket. She grabs the regular colorful bag and pulls out her clothing and gets changed. I turn my head cause I'm not sure how comfertable she is with me staring at her.

"I'm done you can look now," She says.

I look over and shes in  ore colorful clothing. "You are such a colorful person. Like seriously." I says as she sits on her blanket.

"Thanks," She says with a giggle following it.

"You ready to sleep?" I ask.

"Yeah," she replys.

"Okay," I say letting her lay down with her head on my chest. She falls asleep about 15 minuetes after she lays down.

I sit there watching her sleep. I chug a few beers and follow her with sleeping.

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