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Deamitry's POV 

        *2 weeks later*

       " Are you ready to fly?" Danny asks taking my very sweaty hand in his.

        "No, but I wanna go to our home already," I say nervously. I've never flown before if the nervousness didnt already show that.

        Danny laughs.

        "Lets hope the plane doesnt explode and we die," He says making my fear worse.

        "STOP!" I yell as i smack his chest.

        Danny just laughs more. I pout knowing it will have more of an effect on him than my hit. Not noticing imideately he continues laughing. I let got of his hand and cross my arms over my chest and turn to watch all the people rushing to their flights. Thats when I feel his arms wrap slowly around my waist.

        "I'm sorry to scare you like that. But you know me I cant hold back," he whispers in my ear. His husky voice naturally causes me to ease. 

        "I will cry if you say stuff like that on the plane i hope you know that," I tell him making sure he understands how i feel. "Okay so dont do it."

        "You're no fun," Danny lets go as they annouce our planes arrival. "Come on its time for you to get over your fear."

        I grab my carry on, take his hand, and finally begin to get on our ride to paradise. We approach the jet bridge when the crowd begins to move in twards the plane. My heart races and yet again my hands become a sweaty mess. I'm not ready for this totally not but i want to move on in my life.

        We reach the gate after almost everyone is on the plane. The hostess smiles at Danny as he hands her the tickets but he doesnt even pay attention to her. Full attention on me like always.

        "You ready?" He says as we start to walk through the bridge.

        "Nope but like i said it has to happen sometime," I say clenching his hand.

        We step on to the plane. I start to walk twards coach when Danny redirects me to first class.

        "You didnt," I say. 

        "I wanted you to be comfertable for your first flight," Danny says to me as he takes my carry on and pulls me tward our seats.

        Danny stops at a row of seats that have bright blue blankets set up on them.

        "Sit I'm going to put this away," Dan walks two rows down and opens a cabinet and slides my rainbow bag into a cubby.

        I pick up the blanket placed on my seat, sit in my seat, and get comfy. Danny comes back and sits down next to me. 

        "The plane is about to take off. Seat belts need to be worn during the take off. No trays may be down. Nor can you walk around. Thank you and have a safe flight," the hostess announces.

        I clip my seatbelt. I look at Danny as he does the same. He looks at me and smiles. I give him a nervous look. I look out the window as i see the engines starts and we begin to move.

        "I have something that will knock you out so you sleep till we land. Ill give it to you when the plane stables and we can get drinks," His voice startles me a bit.

        "Okay," I say as i grip his hand right as we take off.

        He looks me in the eyes and leans in. I plant a kiss on his lips but pull away when my stomach drops as we gain hight. Danny laughs as i squeeze his hand with all my strength. We finally stable and my stomach rests.

        "You may now move around the cabin," The hostess anounces.

        "Excuse me," danny yells to the woman.

        "How may I help you," she politely asks.

        "I need a glass of water and a beer," Danny says. 

        The hostess become dazzeled. "Ofcourse," She winks and walk off. 

        Danny nods not even caring about it and goes back to paying attention to me. 

        "How are you feeling," Danny.

        "Okay i still want that pill," I tell him.

        "Here you go sir, 1 Beer and 1 Water let me know if you need anything else," She hiked up her skirt while she went to get the water. 

        He hands me the water and takes the beer. Thanking the girl with a small nod and smile. Danny reaches into his pocket pulling out a lil baggie. 

        "Take two and you will sleep till we land," He places the pills in my hand.

        I place the two in my mouth and wash them down with my water. Danny takes my water and places my blanket over me and pulls me closer to him. I feel tired as soon as i close my eyes. I slowly fall asleep. I feel Danny kiss my head. 


Haii guys I'm going to write more as long as you guys think i should. Next book here we come!!!

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