A person's end.
We call it death.
We try to fend.
But we will lose our breath.
There's a loss of another friend.When they lose the beat in their heart,
They only have a short time.
Death is no work of art,
But yet...a type of crime.
In every life, it plays a part.For death you cannot love.
It is not nice.
You can feel the touch of its glove.
To avoid it, I can only imagine the price.
Death, you cannot be rid of.Why let me go on living life?
Now can't you see?
Death pierces us like a knife.
Why do I even plea?
I can't even imagine losing my wife.Time is a valuable thing.
For my value is none.
Watch time fly as the pendulum swings.
For my life I am done.
I was never a king.My fate is in my eye.
Now I start to decay.
I now start to cry.
Here I lay,
I shall die, goodbye.

PoetryPoetry with various ideas and different backrounds. Please leave comments on anything I can improve on. Also let me know that you want, more poems and if they're good. Thank you fellow readers. And fellow writers- Rtue writers don't find creativity...