So I have learned that we are all blind.
The truth we think we see, but we can't find.
So how are we still walking?
Instead I'm stopping, and starting talking.There is only one road in life.
Every day is filled with another strife.
We think there is another road.
Becuase all these years that's what they've showed.But here, let me open your eyes!
All that there saying are just lies!
They thought they could blind me!
They coulnt, but I want you to see!Death, life, fear, anger, those aren't real.
Stop whatever they make you feel.
'Emotions, destiny, fate-well die' is what they tell you.
Look my freinds! Those teachings are not true!This is our time!
They're the ones commiting the real crime.
'But they give us freedom', Yu call this freedom? No this is not.
Forget all those things you have been taught.You can only trust your own dang mind.
There, peace and wisdom you will find.
You only got yourself.
So take your place on this dusty shelf.This is the true life.
So sadly, screw you family, freinds, and wife.
Be happy when you find some one you can trust.
That's rare, when you can say not you and her, you can say us.Don't let any emotions make you trip.
You'll only sail the wrong ship.
They teach right and wrong, black and white.
Those teachings! These thinking are not right!Only one way, One.
So with this crap be done.
Those people are crazy.
There thinking is hazy.There isn't no more.
We've hit the shore.
There is only now and here.
So why even bother with fear?It'll only tear you away.
From the true things I say.
So here, go make you're own plot.
We only got this one shot.
PoetryPoetry with various ideas and different backrounds. Please leave comments on anything I can improve on. Also let me know that you want, more poems and if they're good. Thank you fellow readers. And fellow writers- Rtue writers don't find creativity...