My Poetry Diary

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Poem entry 11/15/13

Crying a river T_T

I don't wanna write
I wanna savor this pain
But I know it's not healthy
I know it's not a game

So I force my self to write out my mind
All my feelings
Just exposing me
Every word, its timed

I feel the tears well up as I'm walking
She notices
I try to blink them away keep 'em back
All my feelings that I'm blocking

I manage to put on a smile and laugh
I'm almost to the safety of my home
I strip off my coat the feelings come back
And I know soon if someone sees me the facade cannot pass

I put on music and turn off the light
I start to think
And that's never good
They come back, they're rougher and they bite

I start to feel them dripping down
I let them
No one can see me here
I can't help it when I'm alone I have to frown

In the dark is where it's safe
I can hide this side without anyone noticing
And be myself for a second and let it out
By now they're at a steady pace

One by one
They all come
By now if it wasn't real life I would've accomplished it already
And then I can say I'm done

They won't stop now
Won't or can't my mind says
Everything's almost accomplished
Next up is just the big finish and bow

At this rate my puddles increasing at my feet
It's splashing all about me
The saltiness of it all overwhelming
I can just taste it all... defeat

The puddle grows bigger
It's just a little more and I'll be better
I'm like a gun that's faulty
Just waiting for someone to pull the trigger

I can blow up in a matter of time
I don't want to
I just can't help it
Everything that's happened is just as sour as a lime

I've built my own
By now I've finished
It's not manmade
But it's made from the soul

This river is mine to take
No one is allowed to look at it
Not even place their foot in
For this is what I did make

Everything in this river is:
A step to:
Happiness &



So when someone says cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it and you actually feel very overwhelmed say I will. Crying is good for you whether it be male or female, crying cleanses the soul. And let's your feelings out and makes you feel better. So anyone who feels overwhelmed, depressed, angry, rejected, lonely, not good enough, or like they're about to give up. Just cry a little. It may be just the thing to make a difference in whether you make the worst mistake and make the situation worse or make it better.

Sorry about that up there^. I just felt I needed to get that out.

As I was writing this I was listening to the song on the side.

Cry me a river by Eklpise.

(Hope you enjoyed my poem and can connect to it. Bye. )

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