Swimming in November

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Poem entry 11/16/13

Swimming in November

Me waking up groggily

It started off an ordinary day

Staggering to the bathroom

Even the occasional sway

Today I was to go ice skating with friends

I was excited and ready for all

Gloves, sweater and jeans for the chilly weather

But what I wasn't ready for was the worst of the day my soaring fall

I arrived at the rink

My friends already there

They see people falling

Here, there, almost everywhere

The suns beating down

Planning something secretly

Sadly later that day it's plan works out

Working flawlessly and defiantly

The ice already melted

Puddles forming in every place

So it wouldn't surprise you

That peopled landed on their face

Now you see I felt bad for them all

Not thinking it could happen to me

I've had lessons since I was young

Learning tricks and most of all stability

When my blade collided with a hole

I was skating not thinking anything at all

I didn't just stumble

It wasn't just a fall

I literally went flying

Flying up then falling down

Into a cold puddle of ice water

Turning my face to a frown

My friends looked down on me

Offering a hand

Asking what the hell happened

And why didn't I stand?!

I couldn't get back up the first try

The second time I succeeded and stood up

They looked me up and down seeing me drenched

They looked at my face last and all said what the fuck?

You see I don't normally fall

It's something that rarely happens

So it was quite a sight

But for me I felt as if I collided with 2 trains

I walked wobbly toward my mom

Now I skated slowly out the rink

Dripping water off my clothes

I finally reached her and said think just stinks

"You look like you went swimming!"

I know I said

I felt cold all around my friends asking if I'm ok

All I wanted to do was go home to my bed

My mom my friends and I start walking to our houses

Me feeling something warm drip down my arm

I lift it up and see blood

"Well isn't this a charm"

I keep going wondering what people think

They're minds wandering the possibilities of a girl soaked through

What is a person doing all dripping and soaking wet?!

Well you know what I say to that?! Boo

So word of advice

If your going ice skating invest her thats nice

Always think for a minute

Is this good for the ice?

Cuz trust me on this

You do not want to be drenched with windy weather

Be shivering all the way home

And thinking so this is how it feels to be Swimming in November! >_<


So this literally happened yesterday. Sadly, >_< agh. I got so many bruises and cuts. Freaking ice!!!!! And sorry for the cursing if don't normally do in my writing. So yea. I'm sick and my body hurts. So have a good warm day hopefully for you. It's dark outside. •_• and it's 5:30. What has the world come to!!?! Jumanji's on tv. I'm watching it. It's a cool movie. Robin Williams is in it. Ok.. Well that'll be all. Have a good night/day wherever your reading this. ^_^

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