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I sit here on the chair

Listening to this song on repeat

It's harmonies just can't be defeated

I listen to the lyrics

So beautiful and soft

Like an angels wing

Maybe this is what this day's about

Not just the love of others

But knowing about yours

The lyrics appear miscellaneous around the screen

But they make sense

The words continue

High with low

Beats with words

Complimenting each other

Because they know who they are

They know what goes with them

They know their limits

They know their advantages

And they know their weaknesses

This is like love

You gotta know yourself before someone else can

Teach them about you

You've got to...

Love yourself before you let someone else love you...


Happy valentines everyone. Hope you have a good valentines and you have a valentine. And for those of you who don't, you know who you are, it's ok. Many are with you, and it's not the end of the world. You have next year and girls and guys, if you roll that way, he/she just doesn't have the confidence to go up to you because he/she is afraid of rejection soo... You gotta do something about that! You have one more day! Or just take control yourself and ask him/her! You can do it. Well spread the love with this song and picture on the side. *muah* *kisses and runs away* hehe don't kiss and tell... *yells* ooh check out the official video cuz wattpads being dumb or mb its the video itself and doesnt wanna work.... pentatonix valentine official video.... it'll be on my page.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2014 ⏰

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